Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Your racism is disgusting.

I know that your high 1400+ SAT score is a nice one, but no, it doesn’t mean you’re a shoe in for Cornell or Brown even though you think it does because they sent you mail. Let me show you some stats about those schools and compare them to Penn St. Let’s calculate the acceptance rates. Let me show you how many of their current students have scores just like yours - or better. Look at how many applied. Assume that most of those who applied were equally as qualified. Yes, feel free to try them and I seriously wish you good luck, but you need a safety school or two. You can’t count on those

ps Guidance office? I shouldn’t be the one having to tell a student this.

Chaperoning trips for this particular school activity is the most boring thing ever. The kids know what to do and when, and get themselves from place to place quietly and without adult assistance. Never a problem or issue. Why does the school district require a certain number of adults to ride along and spend the day doing nothing?

Today’s trip includes a small number of kids from another activity. Now I know why there’s a rule, not that they pay a bit of attention to the extra adults, either.

Each year this forum becomes more insensitive and over the top. It’s poor form to ask a student who just received a rejection letter to share their stats. I am flabbergasted daily at the level of entitlement shown here by some posters.

Thinking of the victims Stoneman Douglas HS shooting and their families today on the anniversary and wishing for some changes.

Do you believe that publicly berating your teenager to the point of tears will make him play better in the future? If that display wasn’t mortifying enough for your son, did you really have to run up to your son’s opponent and his dad and inform them that the only reason he won was because your son played terrible and gave the match away? You have turned into one of “those moms” and are on the fast-track to destroying your relationship with your son. It is painful to watch.

I’m so sorry to hear you are still drinking.

Happy Valentine’s Birthday sweet girl! The 14th of February will always be extra special to me because you are in this world.

If there can be a good kind of breast cancer I hope that’s the kind you have. [-O<

Grabbed a few different college brochures/guides from the table. The one stacked with guides, just next to the chairs in our guidance counselors outer office.

They included applications glued in the middle.

Looked at the materials for a few minutes. They all looked great and the students on the quads having so much fun. Yea, that looks good to me. Pulled out the applications and filled them out by hand.

Not sure, but I think the essay was longhand as well. And I know the essay damn well didn’t include tying my ecs to a passion to my career interests.

What were ecs? I played football and worked at a gas station.

Got into all three and chose the least expensive. They were all green and had the great quads, right? Student loans and my savings paid for it all. No Fafsa. No CSS forms. I would have had more luck finding BigFoot than getting my dad to tell me his income and asset scenario.

Got on a bus with a few bags and left for school in late August.

Man, I do wish we had college confidential or some of these online resources. It all worked out of course. And the competiton and stress level for today’s kids is off the charts.

But learning about all these other options. Just musing.

I was there too and I promise you, she said the car crash was caused by black ice, not “black guys”. Drop it.

Thank you, regional bank VP for giving the local branch manager the smack down she deserves.

And for agreeing that it was NOT good customer service for her to tell me that I should send two months of bank statements to my mail order prescription service to prove their mistake in crediting me for a payment that your bank manager screwed up when she prevented from it being honored.And making HER write a letter of notification instead of generating it from your office.

Though it was so kind of her to send me duplicates of my bank statements so I could let Express scripts see where all the checks I wrote for two months were directed. Jeesh!!

You refuse to see the truth. It’s going to become unavoidable at some point.

On Monday I’m going to your funeral - how can that be? You are just a 10 year old little boy. I didn’t know you well but just a few weeks ago I bought boy scout popcorn from you as I have the last few years when your loving dad brought you to the office. I just can’t begin to imagine what he is going through losing you less than 3 weeks after your cancer diagnosis. It’s just wrong. My heart breaks for You and your family. Rest in peace sweet heart. I don’t think I’ll ever eat popcorn again without thinking of you.

Why did I agree to furnish all the food for this baby shower? My co-host does not want to spend the $$ for the delicious bakery cupcakes and I won’t serve cheap grocery store ones to my guests, so I am making them myself. Along with the little sandwiches and other appetizers. Even thinking of making my own butter mints. Why can’t I do things half way like everybody else? I don’t have time for this.

I just read that the priest who led the local church teen group I was active in back in HS is on the Church’s abusive priests list. Abused a boy back in the 80’s, was taken out of his church in 2018. When I knew him, there was something off in my opinion. Trying too hard to be the young cool priest who wanted to be friends with the teens in the group. Disturbing and disgusting!

OMG!! That video is hilarious. Rolling your ass out of Office Depot on a chair you did not pay for? Lol!!! Car tab Tim - busted!!! :))

You annoy me so much sometimes. :frowning:

Given that department visits are encouraged per the website, your initial demeanor was quite odd. Did you think my DD was not qualified, not truly interested, or was her (incorrect) assumption that the person that she was told to email would be the person she was meeting with enough to make you a bit unwelcoming at first? If so, how childish! Glad you warmed to her by the end or your school may have come off the list. What a shame that would have been!

Am I wrong for expecting the students to at least write in 12 pt Times New Roman in their lab reports? I was not a perfect lab report writer either when I was in undergrad, but I at least got 90% in each report, and these students should know how to compose a professional lab report, but no
they will graduate soon and still don’t know that you can’t highlight answers with annoying yellow background!