Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)


Dug my combat boots out & heading to a concert tonight. I don’t care if I look ridiculous. I’m so excited!

Can’t believe the guy waiting in line behind me for the bathroom asked what number I had to go, and informed me he had to go #2.

too much information! :open_mouth:

I am really offended. I don’t know if I’ve ever said those words when I wasn’t joking or being sarcastic. I can’t believe you think so little of us, I’m horrified.

I can’t tell my husband, because he will never forgive or forget what you said. I’m going to try to pretend you never said that, because I think it’s the best way to deal with it.

I’ll always accept cookies, why am I continually being asked? :wink:

Why does it seem people love to jump on a poster immediately for a minor matter. Typo, spelling or something else. Especially when it’s a student, for goodness sakes.

Even if it is particularly relevant, it seems more about the correction than the original posters context.

It’s like a game of gotcha.

It would be nice to point out something positive as part of the correction. Or add some guidance to the dialogue and a correction, this is a forum not a classroom.

The student is just looking for help in a really stressful time. They are teenagers.

And the poster is just looking to help.

This is not about me personally. It’s just something I’ve noticed. And personally, I will be much more aware of my behavior going forward.

It just seems like we could all start being a just a little bit nicer to each other.

Here and in the world out there.

We are all along for the same ride together.

I’m tired of hearing your word salads.

I just got rid of my collectible Lord of the Rings light-up glass goblets that I got from a promotion at Burger King in 2001. They’ve been gathering dust on the bottom shelf of a bookcase since I got them.

And yet I am conflicted/bothered about giving them away.

Why do I have so much trouble letting go of junk like this? It’s annoying, being like this.

It really is your own fault. It is a stretch for me to find compassion for you but I will try.
You have no idea the damage your passivity has caused in your own life as well as the ones you claim
to love. I don’t consider myself as part of that group any longer.

“Launched” oldest today after his 7-week hospital stay. His case manager is a saint - she met us at his apartment on a SUNDAY to help him get settled. It took all my effort to act like I was in a hurry and needed to leave, so I wouldn’t help too much. It’s so hard to remember to treat him as an adult when he is needy in a lot of ways.

You were all amazing girls, and I was honored to be your Girl Scout leader!

Excellent wall decor for anyone who still has a teen at home! :smiley:

Why is NC driver license law so complicated?

Eight months late and $20K over budget for a project that was started to help me out financially. And I only got half of what I was promised in order to save money and keep the budget overage to what I managed to save for other things. If you weren’t a family member, I’d be suing you. It takes every once of my being to make sure this doesn’t ruin our relationship. I know you didn’t mean for this to happen but it was your job to do the research and come up with estimated costs, apparently you thought you knew things you really didn’t know
how else to explain the outrageous inflated costs? I’m taking a hit, you’re taking a hit, the whole thing is a nightmare. I feel like I’m on an episode of Fixer Upper or Love It or List It.

Got to sleep in my own bed last night. Could have gone to Europe and back because of the delays.

Don’t worry about ethics. Don’t worry about going back on your commitments. Look out only for yourself. Assume everyone else is wrong, and you and your kid are perfect.

This is what’s wrong with society.

If you have specific questions , don’t rely on information from strangers on the internet. Call the school or search their website .

It just feels weird.

It shouldn’t be Presidents’ Day. Many of them were terrible. It should be Lincoln’s and Washington’s birthdays.

Something smells fishy