Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I sure hope I wasn’t this annoying when I was preparing for my colonoscopies.

To whoever set that trap, learn what you’re doing and get permission to trap if on other folks’ property. You caught a 3-4 month old wild kitten by his/her toes - and the kitten was able to pull up your trap. This means it wasn’t set properly - not even close. The kitten has been running around our property with the trap on its foot, scared and probably in great pain. I saw it yesterday, but we were finally able to catch it today when it got caught up in some brush. I don’t know how long it’s had the trap on its foot, but I know it was grateful for the food and water we provided. I don’t know if it will live. I like to think so since the trap just had the tips of its right toes pinched, but I’m not a vet and don’t know if that part of the flesh is dead or not. If s/he lives they’ll be fixed, given shots and released on our farm as cats make great rodent control, but it had better not get caught in a trap again because No One has permission to set traps on our property - absolutely no one. You won’t be getting your trap returned. If it had a name on it like I think it was supposed to, you’d have heard about it.

Then think for just a little bit. What if the poor critter had gotten hung up somewhere and no one saw it? Do you seriously think starving to death while having your leg in great pain is ok to do to any critter? If you can’t learn how to trap, don’t set them. No kitten should be able to pull up a trap.

Personally, I don’t think any critter should have to deal with a leg trap.

I hope you live young kitten. You’ve got a strong will and we’ve gotten attached even with such a short period of time. There’s food and water aplenty here - along with some nice head scratches and places to spend cold/heat indoors should you ever decide some humans are pretty cool to hang around with.

Dear boss, it’s good I checked my job assignment for Wednesday. Did you not wonder how I can start the assignment at 9:00 and get the client to an 8:45 medical appointment?

And you wonder why you have issues with employee and client retention?

Driver who suddenly started backing up as I walked behind your car on the sidewalk this evening, your big SUV had been idling for the entire time I was walking up the block. I had no way of knowing you were about to suddenly back up. I was only a few feet behind you. Had I not yelled at the top of my lungs I would have been injured or worse.

I am pretty sure your car would have a back-up camera, but I could see as you drove away that you were holding your phone. It would have been decent of you to roll down your window and apologize, or give a sheepish wave, or something.

To the person who put the box of Thin Mints in our department common area: thanks, but I really wish you hadn’t.

Man, I may have screwed up royally. I hope that this won’t blow up on me/us.

Well, this is scary, and I kmow you are frightened. I want to say something useful, but all I have is we will stick together until the end, even if the end turns out to be ALS. I love you. Maybe it’s nothing. What will I do without you? It’s nothing. It will be nothing. Nothing.

It’s incredibly frustrating to live with a person who is just bad at computers, and even more frustrating that that person is my mom!

I kind of like having a snow day where I get a free day off work and I don’t have anyplace I need to be.

Man, happened to turn on the tv right when the nightly news was starting - the line up of stories is enough to make me want to run and hide. :frowning:

My poor, sweet nephew…you are not your illness, but we all hope you soon see that you need help. Your mom, dad, sisters and grandma are struggling alongside of you, and your other aunts, uncles, cousins and I are right there with them. We love you.

When you tweet or otherwise announce my kid’s accomplishments it would be nice if you SPELLED MY KID’S NAME CORRECTLY!!

Both of you suck right now, so no, I am not sharing this ice cream because I need it to get through the day since I gave up alcohol seven months ago. If both of you could knock it off, that would be GREAT and then maybe I’ll stop hoarding the ice cream. In the meantime, hush now and go clean your rooms.

Ugh, what a hard couple of months it’s been. We’d already planned to fly to Colorado tomorrow for SIL’s installation as a church pastor. It gives us a chance to see MIL, 94. Well, today we got word that MIL has taken a turn for the worst and probably has a week left to live. So it’s a blessing we’re going out, but it’s going to be tough. I really feel for SIL, who must have a million things to do to get ready for her installation and reception on Sunday. I’m kind of clueless in this kind of situation, but I know I have to step up to the plate and figure out ways to help out.

I was wondering about that envelope.

I wanted to save more money so I stopped going to the stores. (Only grocery shopping. No random window shopping for fun.) Thanks to that, I’m not spending money. That’s great. But I’m bored. Bored bored bored. I tried to distract myself by going to the library, learning new language, read more books and watching TV but I’m bored bored bored!!!

Dear USPS, I paid $85 to ship that package with your non-guaranteed delivery of 3-5 days. I’m fine if it takes 8-10. Overseas bureaucracy is a thing and I get that. When it takes 72 days, you really ought to refund the postage. You didn’t remotely deliver the service promised.

I sent a replacement package via a commercial service and it took 12 days and cost less. Guess what I’m doing next time?

Today’s Google doodle makes me so sad…

After rough first semester. Things seem so much better. Roommates set for next year. And selected as a staff writer for life sciences as part of the schools medical journal. As a freshman it’s a big deal. She sounds so much better. Thank god.

Dear friends: I do love getting together with you for lunch but sorry, I will not be the one to be expected to organize them all the time, so please stop asking me to organize it again or call you. The phone works in 2 directions.