Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Dear person who drives on the shoulder to bypass traffic, then re-enters up front like it’s your right…you’re a jerk.

*road rage avoidance post

Welp, there’s that third shoe, and it’s a doozy. Even knowing that it will all be okay for you in the long run, it’s really hard to see you so sad.

H, I absolutely love you no matter what, but the fact that you can fix essentially anything is a really nice additional perk!


Not a good day to be a Kraft. ?

Oh that’s goooood…

Forgot to mention above- sometimes trying to organize these lunches (at your request) is like herding cats. If you want to get to know the others better, it’s fine, REALLY, for you to initiate the email chain. Please! I never signed up to be a social secretary. What’s that line- if nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve. The funny part is- you don’t work. You have plenty of time to send a group text or email!

Wow, all five of the siblings in DH’s family are going to make it out to Denver to tell their mom goodbye this weekend. I Four grandkids, also. I HOPE that will be a good thing. Everyone will be staying at youngest’s house, with the exception of the sister with issues who blew up at everyone last time - she’ll be at a B&B. Please, please, please don’t create any scenes this time!!!

Youngest lost a dog two weeks ago. One of the adult grandchildren lost her bio dad last week.

These next two weeks will be so exciting for you, can hardly wait to hear about your experiences.

As a reminder, “say it here…” still has to comply with the forum rules. This thread is not meant for overflow discussion because another thread was closed.

The DPE (Dept. of Phys Ed) made our son take a (regularly) scheduled APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) this morning, and he failed it for the first time ever. He has pneumonia. Are you kidding me? He’s so weak right now, he could barely get the words out when he called us afterward. Where’s my helicopter?

Using my moderator prerogative to respond. No. Responses are not permitted.

Thank you.

You can be a tough, disciplined coach and still be a caring, young person development minded person. They are not mutually exclusive. Your program is suffering because you are well more focused on the latter than the former. Such talent being wasted because you won’t evolve. Frustrating.

I am sick of winter. I am sick of the cold. I am sick of BROWN trees, brown grass and, conversely, when snow falls and the brown recedes, I am then sick of dealing with snowy roads. I want warmth, lush greens, brilliant yellows and deep reds. I long for COLOR!

Please. Just please let him make his connection. It seems like there is so much riding on this.


OK, fine, I can say that elsewhere. But it isn’t working. Maybe saying it here will?

Step 1’s are done and over with 45 minutes from home on a wet, snowy, rainy, icy day in the midwest.

Why does it seem like we tap more and more trees each sugaring season? Right now it feels like an endless process. But it will be SO worth it once the sap begins to flow!

Dear cats, two new rules:
a) Paintroller covers are not cat toys; and
ii) Roomba is not to be let out in the middle of the night, so keep your butts and paws off it.

Wow some people just can’t read, can they? When I say “you might not want to buy that car,” the appropriate response would be ,“why is that?” or “not your business”(albeit rude), not the “I don’t have one.”