Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You don’t get to “reserve” a machine (especially when there is only one) by putting your bag next to it when you are on another machine.

Agreeing to do your tax return was me doing a favor for your parent, not you doing a favor for me. After your behaviour today, there aren’t going to be any future favors that benefit you.

So happy to see you this weekend but you were a bit prickly today. Get that you have work to do, but it made me sad that you were so eager to see us off.

I know you are close to 60 and free to do as you choose. But, I am worried about you moving to quickly in becoming attached/co-mingled, after decades of being totally independent. Some things are easy to undo, and some are very difficult. I really hope everything works out well, but slowing down is an option.

I told you that you sounded happier than I’ve heard you in months. You responded that it comes and goes. I responded that that’s the case for everyone. Cut yourself some slack, kid.

The most important decision you will ever make in your whole life is who you marry.

Coming from someone who still has to deal with a jerk of an ex, but who is blessed with a tremendously supportive second marriage. I just need to keep reminding myself about my current blessings rather than the issues caused by my ex.

She got her name changed back!

He’s 33 but looks 55. I’m afraid the demons from Iraq might win out in the end. I’m his friend but wish I could do more.

Dear pharmacy tech, you are always crabby. Always. Do you understand that most folks are picking up prescriptions for sick folks or a medical condition?

Maybe you would be better off in the back stocking room.

This just drives me so crazy.

MIL, why do you only call your DIL’s, never your sons? Even when you call the DIL because you want to give a message to your son. He has a phone, he answers it. Why do you only call me or my SIL? Every single time? For 30 years?

I tried when she called to have my H call her back. She wanted to know if I was mad at her :((

Dear Thought Police,
Could we please have MORE censorship?
Thank you so much!

Why, why, WHY is waiting so hard???

I’m so excited my college roommate is coming to reunion this year!! She hasn’t been to one in sooo many years! And I get her all to myself the first day as she’s staying with me before we head to the mother ship! Those new, young classes are always so in awe of our fun class and it’s always so much fun to get together with our group of friends who were all freshmen together. Can’t wait!

Thanks for thanking me for the talk but seriously you are the one who was finally willing to discuss as I have been ready since Oct. I will never tell you but you are so very clueless about normal human interaction that it just so amazing when we do talk. I cannot imagine being so inept.

When I have 25 students vying for one spot in a class, I’m NEVER, NEVER, NEVER going to take the person who can’t be bothered to write in complete sentences, can’t spell, and is rude in their email to me. You cannot threaten a professor into giving you a spot in their class. I am truly sorry for what an absent, neglectful, or just plain egotistical parent you must have had, but you are not my problem.

Go to the doctor and take care of yourself! You don’t get an award for dragging yourself to work and making everyone else sick.

I remember in the '60s when the word united was added to our name. Clearly, just an aspirational label. Disappointed.

So over 2 months after it was sent a Holiday card was returned to me by the U. S. Mail. Out of 50 cards sent a total of 7 have now been returned. I double checked the addresses and all but one matched what is in my address book.
I really have a hard time believing I have that many incorrect addresses in my book. Just saying.

Based on the Dilbert strips from the past couple of days, I am convinced that Scott Adams reads College Confidential. >:)

So frustrated that a bad set of circumstances have made this so disappointing and difficult.