Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

OMG. That is the dumbest piece of garbage I have read. Did you fail every single science class?! Sigh. Noooo!!! It does not work that way!!! Do I have to cite bio101 books to someone who apparently has a PhD?

I wish the most common passion was compassion.

Have had this little trip booked for five months and everything is happening at once. My parents are moving to a senior apartment, my S and big pregnant DIL are moving into a house (both could use my help), my co-worker has announced she is quitting and will work next week only because I am going to be out, the computer system that just changed at work is changing again and the new, unfamiliar one will be live the day I get back. Nothing like being pulled in a thousand directions and feeling stressed instead of excited about my vacation and worrying about what fresh hell will be waiting for me when I get back.

2 1/2 months until graduation, it sure would be nice if you found a job!!!

You sound so happy. I hope they can see how awesome you are and accept you. Fingers crossed.

The way you rewrite history and then try to gaslight me is too much. That’s why I moved across the country. Even your grandchildren have a hard time with you. Thank goodness that phone calls can be ended easily.

On behalf of Generation X, here’s wishing Luke Perry a fast and full recovery. We’re pulling for you Dylan!

I was just presented a most beautiful gift.

The sound of multiple flocks of geese overhead on their way back north towards Maine!

I am located in south eastern New England.

Spring is on its way. Such a great sound!

Ugh, I had to turn down a project today. I am using to detailing precast concrete, but this was quarried stone on a residence that literally looked like a gingerbread house. I’m not good at drawing gingerbread. I hated to email the client, who happens to be a friend of my dad, but he wrote back that he understood and would try to get me another project. Whew!!

If you want to be chanced for the flagship school of the University of California system, spell the name of the school correctly. It’s Berkeley, not Berkley…nor Berkely.

I wish there was an Unhelpful button.

Oh wait, better yet, “You are an idiot” button is better.

finally. finally we found a right car!!! NO MORE LYFT!

So, my new electricity bill is $86, which is half of what I paid for last month. Now THAT sounds about right.

I’m not supposed to know yet, but my twins are State Champs for the second year running!

Oh god. Another one jumps in… windmill hugger.

Okay, Kids and SO’s. When “I” take you out to dinner and you know that “I” am paying for it, even though your dad snatches the credit card out of my hand and makes a big fuss about paying, why do you only say thank you for dinner to HIM and ignore me! You have known us all your lives, you know I pay the bills, a little appreciation would be appreciated. I think what is driving this is that H is having a birthday soon and oldest son is hitting up everyone to contribute to a gift for him and people are doing it! Meanwhile, I have never gotten even a happy birthday from this kid. I honestly don’t think half my kids even know WHEN my birthday is.

Mom on Thursday morning: “I am not sure if I can find a car in a week before my job starts.”

My uncle on Thursday: “I can help you find a good car here but can you come over hereall the way from Raleigh?”

My mom: “Uh…”

Me: “Mom I bought the tickets just go”

Mom, uncle: “Okay.”

*Rides 9 hours on bus to NY at midnight.

Our freeloader “pets” are back feasting on duckweed in our wetlands. Which means spring is here. :slight_smile:

No, I’m not going to eat a hamburger due to whatever you saw on the news. Newsflash… I’ve been eating far fewer of them for the past few years due to my health and I enjoy the other foods more so I don’t feel the least bit deprived. Did you ever notice at Chinese buffets when you load up on all the meat from the chicken/beef with veggies that I make up for you by taking almost totally veggies? Same deal. I choose my diet for my own health and believe it or not, I like the flavors so certainly don’t want to change.

You do whatever you want and I’ll do the same. It’d be nice if you quit complaining to me about all your related health issues though. At our age and with our lifestyle differences over the decades does it really surprise you? My numbers are generally terrific. Yours are cwap. Yes, I suppose I just got lucky with the genetics. That has to be it. All those “science” and PSA things from, oh, pretty much anywhere, have no connection whatsoever. Keep telling yourself that.