Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You might have something interesting to say, but unless you start using paragraphs, I’ll never know.

I waited two weeks for the appointment. Got there early, as directed, to leave time to check-in and fill out paperwork. Then waited. And waited. When the clock hit 30 minutes past my appointment time, I got up, requested a refund on my co-pay and left. I did not take it out on the receptionist.

I just could not sit there any longer, fuming, with everything else going on today. :frowning:

Wow. Got me. Same old pattern.

I pray we learn how to communicate with each other.

Entrenched and angry does not leave much room for healthy dialogue.

And remind me to reconsider ever starting another thread.

Hawaii routes published an up for purchase. Game on…

Hawaii routes sold out before I got to them. :frowning:

SO thankful that DS was brave enough to go back to work today, and that it went well!!! Whew.

Ugh, why do I feel so yucky? Cold? Allergies? Enough already.

Ouch-$100 a day for a small SUV from COSTCO? I’m hoping the price goes down.

I’m annoyed that an applicant addresses other applicants and their,parents as though he/she knows so much. I’ve been on CC for 15 years, and I can’t predict who will or won’t get accepted ( as long as their grades ok).:

UPS - where is my stuff?! ? Your tracking is a bunch of baloney. “Scheduled for delivery for March 1st” can’t be true when the package just got in Oregon.

Aaaannnnnd,we’re still waiting.

Maybe you could have done a better job hiding your surprise that my D18 was admitted by the mid tier UC that’s your daughter’s dream school this year and you’re worried she won’t get into?

Just because my D ended up at an OOS public with a 80%+ admit rate in a state you don’t care for, doesn’t mean you should assume she’s dim. At least I had enough self-control to avoid mentioning that she turned down a Regents scholarship at that UC. But I’m constantly irritated at the contrast in reactions when we mention her twin brother’s school, especially since she got in there too.

I don’t know which makes me happier, your promotion, or that you were excited to share the details with me. They’re lucky to have you.

Stop trying to compete with us. Really. We don’t do what we do to try to outperform anyone else, and you shouldn’t either. We’ve been doing this since the girls were five, for fun and for the personal challenge, and the accolades have been a pleasant happenstance. We have never sought publicity, stuff has just happened as a result of what we’ve done for our own reasons. We would do this regardless of whether or not anyone else cared, because we love what we do, and we don’t give a fig what anyone else thinks. So don’t do this for competition reasons - you can’t, actually. It would take you years to catch up. But that is not the point. It isn’t honest to pursue this for reasons that aren’t authentic. This is not about kudos or slaps on the back. It’s about personal challenge and strengthening yourself and learning how to successfully confront all kinds of physical and emotional challenges. If you try to make it about anything else, then you become superficial and your motives are transparent.

So - you do you and we’ll do us. We are not going to play the game you propose, because it isn’t pure. We’ll keep doing what we do out of honest love of the process. Hopefully, after a few seasons you’ll come to see the light, and you’ll chill out, and you’ll pass down the right values to your son.

It was supposed to be only 2 months. Now it’s going to be two years. I don’t know how I’m going to survive them.

So you won’t tell me what you are earning at your new job or what you are collecting from your new pension. Just transferring what you feel like transferring from your new checking account toward our - and your -expenses.

But you did tell me the new job is not withholding taxes. I hope you remember to pay estimated taxes for this year because I am sending in mine as married filing separately. Not my job to remind you.

And I’ll know how much the pension is when I’m able to file for divorce after my post grad program ends. Because I’m entitled to half of it.

Today feels like a giant cat-herding firedrill!!!

Reminder to self going to gym in the afternoon in the rain brings all the wild screaming kids to the Y.

Just because duty is calling doesn’t mean I need to answer the call.