Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

So proud of my kid for pursuing so many cool experiences and internships, but so sad that she’ll barely be home this summer :frowning:

Students asking questions about top 10 colleges who are unaware of or unable to use the college website or do a google search.

It really annoys me that you are more excited about me getting the job than I am…and I haven’t even interviewed. Where’s the “I really don’t care if you work or not”?

My dad, the backbone of our extended family, needs open heart surgery in April. He says it’s “routine.” Ack.

Just made my final payment. It was like making my last college tuition, but better. I am free.

Do you go looking to create drama in your life? Was it really necessary to call your parents and tell them how hurt you are because we didn’t respond to a “save the date” card? You sure know how to suck the joy out of every occasion.

Life has become so much easier since my mom bought that sweet Lexus 2002 for such a low price.

I know it is stupid, but it saddens me to stop by my former place of work (where they fired me and said all my work would now be done by volunteers) and see the stuff I put in place being undone (through neglect). Funny, at first I felt joy seeing them mess stuff up without me. Now, I am sad that my hard work will all fade away (and very soon at this rate). My 12 hours a week (really closer to 15 with at home time), is now zero hours a week of volunteer effort, since they haven’t actually gotten anybody to volunteer to do any of it.

You’ve been my friend for 25 years, but, you are getting on my last nerves! When you tell me that you are spending $1500 PER NIGHT for a week’s accommodation as you swan off to Africa, and then, in the next breath you say “I don’t know how ordinary people manage on a budget” - I seriously want to SLAP YOU!!!

OMG I can’t look back on my posts…So many errors! Not sure if it’s my phone/auto correct or I’m losing my mind and can’t type anymore :(.

An opinion does not become fact just because you state it repetitively and emphatically. It’s still an opinion.

.I don’t like the badges.

It’s theoretically possible that I could be more disgusted but I hope I never find out what that feels like.

I just ate way more than a reasonable amount of guacamole and chips.
But I had no alcohol to go with them, so it’s Ok not to feel too bad about myself, right???

To all the people who are worried that my cancer may have returned but who are trying to be sensitive and not asking:

It’s very sweet of you to be concerned. My weight loss has been purposeful and I feel great having lost the unhealthy extra pounds that crept up on me over the past few years. Let’s go out for a hike and a beer, okay? :-h

We lost my sweet MIL last night. She was a month shy of 95. I’m so thankful all of her kids got to see her two weeks ago while she was still lucid.

Rolling my Eyes and Biting My Tongue.

I wish that people would accept that the healthiest way to look your best and feel good is to eat well, exercise often, take care of your mental health and adopt the word “moderation”. Keep things simple and give them time to work.

Is Baby Shark ok as a first dance at a wedding?

Days like today I really hope my worsening eyesight is just age related. I suppose 'tis time for another MRI to make sure as we’re hitting the 5 year mark, but I also wonder if I really want to know considering there wasn’t another option to choose from other than the one I chose.

It makes sense that my sight is getting worse now age-wise, so I’ll hold on to that for at least a couple more months. That’s the answer I want. Glasses ought to be able to solve that. Fixable problems are the best kind.