Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Please stop using the word paradigm in every other post

I hate the concept of ā€œskin in the gameā€

Attended a legislator open forum. I cannot believe the ease at which the audience blamed the ā€œotherā€ party for all the stateā€™s problems. When it was suggested that more citizens need to educate themselves before voting; they had tons of excuses of how they are too busy. Sad.

Also other politician: this is your district and the signs on the street were very visible- hard to believe you got lost when you live less than a mile away.

You once again demonstrate why youā€™re no longer in our lives.

I wish it were permitted for us to respond to a post or two in this thread once in a while

Well, this is random, for sureā€¦ Iā€™m delighted that the Jonas Brothers have reunited as a band! I always liked their music, and I think they are adorable. And now their new song is stuck in my headā€¦ LOL

Vacations just reinforce how much I hate going to work. The next five years canā€™t go by fast enough.

Happy National Meatball Day!

I only realized today that you lived but miles away. And then I learned that you died 4 years ago. I have been here for 35 years and have would have so enjoyed seeing you. You were my first crush on a boy in 6th grade. We got in trouble for throwing food at each otherā€“I was sitting behind you and started it. Your mother hated me for mattering to you.
How did we both make it here from Indiana and then not see each other? I feel such a loss. I found your obituary and you still look like my first crush.

Why do you have to have your wedding reception in a picnic pavilion? You know, some of us have back issues and canā€™t sit at picnic tables without back support for long periods of time. And what are we supposed to wear? Can we dress casually for the wedding, since the reception is a picnic? I applaud you for not caving to the wedding industry and booking an expensive venue, but I wish you would also tell us to dress casually/comfortably. And weā€™re going to be outside? In Ohio? In the middle of May? It could be cold, rainy, and muddy.

Academic rigor important for a five year old? Really, social skills, not academics should be the focal point for a five year old. Talk to your child, read to your child, play with your child, do chores with your child, limit the electronicsā€¦this will ensure academic readiness in elementary school. I wonder why our kids are so stressed.

**U, you should really look into how your financial aid department is ran. Multiple emails never answered, phone calls not returned, when I finally got ahold of a real live person I was shocked by how rude you were. I did my best not to respond in like. Every other school we contacted responded promptly and courteously. Is it really that hard?

As we are getting closer to decisions, I am finding myself rooting against S19 for certain schools so that his choices will be the ones that I think are best for him. Iā€™ll never tell him that. And he can decide in the end of course. Just 20 more days and he will finally know all of his options. Time is draggingā€¦

Ugh, D, why donā€™t you text me when I ask you to? Have you let school yet? You said you planned to leave two hours ago and I asked you to let me know when you departed. Havenā€™t heard a word. May have to resort mortifying you by CALLING you (D has bluetooth in her car).

Note to self: do not engage with a teenager on a message board no matter how inane and inaccurate his comments.

Funny thing about threads in CC. Sometimes they take a turn and drive off into the hills.

Oh Marinersā€¦ sigh.

Seriouslyā€¦? I went along with you for decades and you still expect that or I donā€™t respect you.
I did not think you were right then and neither does D. So you are totally on your own.
I shudder at your immaturity.

Best day of the year! Time change! Let there be longer evenings!!! :slight_smile:

My kid goes to college in St. Louis, not Seattle. And that is my final answer. Donā€™t congratulate me on his school choice it you think itā€™s a great school but you DO NOT know where it is.

And itā€™s WUSTL aka WashU but not the University of Washington in St. Louis. Eye roll from me at the college fair I was volunteering at when a high school student called it by that name. Same kid must spell the name of UCB ā€˜Berkley.ā€™

Should have gotten one of those ā€˜itā€™s in St. Louis, damn itā€™ t-shirts.