Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

“Suspending your social security number” is not even a thing, and calling me a dozen times from slightly different numbers to have a robo-voice tell me I need to call right away is not really going to get me to do anything. So stop calling me already!

It isn’t my place to tell you, but somebody must…

The nose ring is very unbecoming.

Education doesn’t just happen at school. Unfortunately you can’t buy common sense at the bookstore.

Very irked—had a teleconference call that was supposed to last an hour—was very difficult to schedule and after an hour we didn’t get anywhere near done but not my problem.

Admitted!!! So excited.

just want to say to “WATCH YOUR TOASTERS!”

had a fire in mine this morning while toasting a bagel. A real fire with flames shooting out and it smoked up our house. thankfully we got it out, but that was scary. so --public service announcement for the day – watch your toaster!

Never do anything that you wouldn’t be comfortable being written about on the front page of The New York Post.

I resigned from heading up the road association in our neighborhood, but you are not taking over responsibilities as you said you would. And now people are looking to ME again. Grr…

Perfect example of the frontal lobe not fully developing until 25. I usually hate that concept because it excuses bad behavior, but it seems to fit in this case.

They really did not need your help. They are big boys and can handle it all by themselves. Now, instead of helping REAL entrepreneurs, you wasted a day of your vacation on helping folks who really owe you more than just a thank you. Which means you will have to take another day off tomorrow. That time is money.

There is NOTHING lonelier than having all of the constraints of marriage, with NONE of its benefits…

I can’t understand why @skieurope doesn’t want to moderate threads about the college admissions scandal on every sub forum! How mean! :))

Ugh! It’s so annoying to hear you whine about how poor you are, how your house is falling apart. And that you can’t afford college and why aren’t schools giving you tons of need based aid. Even though your EFC is full pay. Oh, and whining about how your sports car needs new tires.

But again, I see pictures where you took your kids to Europe for spring break.

I know it’s sour grapes but when I had college looming, I wasn’t whining about how poor we were. We were making sacrifices and not spending money. Driving old cars and not making upgrades to the house and going on vacation.

I’m just jealous. One time, only once I’d like to throw caution to the wind and spend money without thinking about how I was going to pay first. Not really, but kinda.

That felt good

It’s okay that you’re not good with numbers and I’m sympathetic about your mild dyslexia. But really, you shouldn’t be working for a bank.

Thankful, truly and deeply for family, friends and more. And Springs around the corner. Joy.

I don’t want to make you feel any worse than you already do, so I am using another forum to say how incredibly bad I feel that you are in so much pain! It was one thing when we thought you had strained some muscles or ligaments, but now that we know you have a compression fracture in your spine, which will take much longer to heal, that means your suffering will be even longer. And your cabin fever being stuck in the house and being told to rest. My heart really goes out to you, and I’m so frustrated there is literally nothing I can do to help this resolve except be patient!

I"m feeling really bad for S19’s friends today. Denied from a college that historically has been taking kids with high stats from our school. This year, they took a bunch of kids ED and blew off all of the RD kids even though they were the better students. Wash U really going for yield this time. Too bad. It’s Wash U’s loss. These kids they denied are the real deal. Good friends, kind people, and curious and bright students to boot.

I’m thrilled to hear how well you’re doing. I’ve known you for almost 30 years, and I’ve never heard you so focused, calm and certain about what you want. I’m so sorry for all your decades of craziness. I fully support your using medication and seeing a therapist. It’s done wonders for you.

I’m thankful we only had to pay application fees and costs of attendance for my kids’ elite universities.

We are reeling from having learned that the older sister of one of D’s childhood pals was on the 737 that crashed in Ethiopia. She was just 24 and worked as an analyst in international healthcare. Sweet, funny young man, my heart is breaking for you and your family.