Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

So happy that you and your husband have signed up for my NAMI class! :slight_smile: Wow, somebody actually took my advice when they asked for help! It can be frustrating when I give people good ideas about how to help their loved ones and they ignore me, so this is awesome.

I will never understand how correcting another personā€™s pronunciation or grammar can be construed as a kind thing to do or nice way to be. Have you looked at your own rigidity? The only time to ever do that is if you do not understand what they are trying to say. Otherwise, it is minimally rude and basically makes you look bad not the speaker.

To, two, too
Itā€™s, its
Their, theyā€™re, there
Your, youā€™re

Before a kid can graduate high school, they should have to use each word in a sentence.

No, Iā€™m not going to tell you where we are going to dinner tonight. I donā€™t want you there and neither does one of the other people who will be there. Do you think I donā€™t know that youā€™re just a little fonder of my husband than you need to be? Seriously, could it be any more obvious? I know you said you like to flirt with married men and you seem to think itā€™s all in good fun, but itā€™s tacky and obvious and only makes you look (more) desperate. Iā€™d tell you to stay away from him but youā€™d love the heck out of that and I donā€™t want to give you the satisfaction.

Students reporting being denied at X University but then claiming they donā€™t care because they have already been accepted at a better college. Whatever helps them cope I guess.

Iā€™m finally figuring out why have a festering feeling of resentment towards my sister. Itā€™s not that she remarried less than a year after announcing her divorce, or that she kept her divorce and boyfriend to herself right up until her wedding. Itā€™s because sheā€™s plunking someone down inside my inner circle, and I have a very small inner circle. My fetering feeling is actually my way of nudging her outside that circle until Iā€™m ready. Glad Iā€™m getting this figured out, not that it matters.

To my kidā€™s first choice college on the day they release decisions:

If you donā€™t accept her, youā€™re horrible and Iā€™m glad you said no because all of the other schools on her list are so much better. I wouldnā€™t have let her attend even if you gave her a full tuition grant and a free pony.

If you accept her, Yippee! We all love you and know youā€™re the best school in the universe. I will wear nothing but your school colors for the next four years.

[The above posted with my tongue firmly in my cheek]

Kids who comment ā€œGot in. Good safety schoolā€ at a school with an acceptance rate in the low teens, when others would KILL to be on a waitlist even, REALLY get up my nose!

The silver lining to all this awful corruption and to all the stress Iā€™m seeing kids go through is that I no longer really care where my kids go to college. Really donā€™t. Theyā€™ll be fine whatever happens because they are resilient, and Iā€™m not sure I even want them in a high-prestige place anymore. Just. Done. With. It.

Itā€™s horrible being sick while being a caregiver. And sheā€™s sick, too. I wish we could both fall asleep and wake up when we are healthy again. This has been a truly awful week.

I am very sad to say and that it is clear to me, that we have become a much more resentful, angry and self righteous country.

And itā€™s not just the past two years.

Not sure love thy neighbor as thyself is really much of a thing anymore.

Iā€™ll get mine and if you have it, itā€™s mine. And you donā€™t deserve it in the first place.

But I will remain hopeful and I wish all of you and yours the very best!

And I would only say this here. First part.

Earlier this year, I was two degrees of separation from a national scandal. Now I find myself two degrees of separation from an entirely separate second national scandal. Itā€™s a small, scandalous world.

We go back many years. I know some things in todaysā€™ world are hard for you to accept. But your Facebook postings make you come across as a raving lunatic. Which is sadly funny, because you claim to be raving about a lunatic.

Making your apparent mental issues public is not a smart move.

Give it a restā€¦no one has responded to one of your posts in months. Thatā€™s a clue.

I donā€™t know why typing a post can have so many spelling errors. Itā€™s like my brayn is werking tooo faste.

FYI I am talking about myself only!!!

Wine tasting at the local grocery store is yet another reason Iā€™m glad we moved here.

We had a prayer service yesterday for a 13 year old boy. Max came home from school one day a week ago, not feeling well. By evening he was in the ER. By the next day he had died of a heart attack. At age 13.His funeral is today.

I didnā€™t know Max; I teach Juniors and Seniors and he was in 8th grade. But my heart canā€™t help but break for his family and friends. No 13 year old should have to know the pain of burying a classmate; no parent should ever have to bury their young child.

This is, without a doubt, the worst part of teaching. No matter how many times it happens, mourning the loss of a child breaks your heart beyond repair each and every time.

Rest in peace, Max.

When people say they are full pay on nearly every post.

Oh, my gosh, please stop with the heavy sighs all the time. Youā€™re driving me nuts.

How can being rehired be so much harder than being laid off in the first place?