Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Wow, after reading that my problems don’t seem so bad.

Dear person in line ahead of me: you took those tomatoes and cucumbers from open bins, placed them in a cart without bagging them, put them on a conveyor belt, and now you refuse to let the cashier touch them without calling the manager to track down a pair of gloves to put on???

Bless your heart.

Thank goodness we finally finished “The Americans” so we can get back to our real lives!

Thank you for finally giving my kid full credit for the problem she answered correctly. It’s a shame I had to write two long emails filled with explanations of the topic along with citations to scientific research for you to see that she was right. Makes me question your credentials as an instructor. But anyway, thanks for coming to your senses. Now you need to contact the students who answered incorrectly (but to whom you gave full points) and let them know their answers were actually wrong so they don’t make this mistake on their AP exams.

Looks like a lot of members are wearing pink today.

[{“insert”:"You can say your rep is not a liar but he did indicate there was supposed to be a one time service, which you now claim was a misunderstanding, and he did not contact me like you said he said. So…liar.

Dear Auto Dealer,
(From whom we have purchased many new and used vehicles). I don’t know whether to be happy or sad. I called to complain about the lousy service you delivered and charged me for and now I have to take time out of my day and come in to fix it. Totally inconvenient. Then service told me you are closing at the end of this month.
My first reaction was “Of course you are” and it gets out before I realize that you are a person, likely with a family. So for that I have compassion. I had to call back and say sorry and hold my tongue about the crappy service you delivered for years. Hope you get a new job soon. Now I feel even worse since I think there must be about 50 people who work there.

I have never slammed a door before. Really slammed it to say passive aggressively my message.
I actually googled it to learn it means “Done!”. Emotions severed. I thought I would feel bad at least by morning.
Surprise! I feel great.
Next time you think to apologize for a serious situation maybe don’t make it about you in words that make you look like an innocent guy. You are not capable of seeing the layers of the situation because you are so self absorbed.
I feel so much better. Guess being my not best self was a good thing this once.

Wow it felt so good to get below water again (scuba) post brain tumor. I can’t believe it’s been that long. Coral, fish, eels, awesome - floating around in a fish tank pretty much just like the good old days. Beats snorkeling by a mile! Thanks a ton to the youngun who most likely opted to skip college and become a patient scuba guide for a living. Many niches to fit all humans! You did a great job and I appreciate the gentle reminders about above water things I had forgotten and assistance with all the small/heavy stuff. Fortunately, below water was like riding a bike - nothing forgotten.

And now… I just hope the doctors were right and there won’t be any permanent damage. I definitely wish my ear/face/head would revert back to my “new normal” soon to take that worry away. 'Tis a life I’d like to keep doing when we travel. Snorkeling just isn’t the same.

Is there a place where one can give suggestions to this forum? I would like to be able to bookmark/follow certain individuals so that I can follow their posts.

Using my mod prerogative to respond in a no-response thread.You can post a suggestion on the following:

Today was my day of doing something for the last time - ever… riding the bus in the tunnel.

So angry, so hurt, so ridiculous that my effort to feed all the out-of-town wedding guests the night before the wedding (at more expense than I’d like to incur) has become a flashpoint for the bride’s admittedly dysfunctional family and has caused conflict within our immediate family. Trying really, really hard to be the calm in the storm. Mostly succeeding publicly. Not so much privately.

My new favorite phrase, “don’t men talk me (about my job).” Just heard it from D1.

Teaching my NAMI class is so rewarding I almost feel guilty.

It will be rough for now but the day will come that we will both be better.

First: sometimes I think I am the only one who actually sees that train barreling down the track.

( Unrelated) Second: if you choose to repeat that absolutely moronic decision, there’s no coming back from it a second time; I will be done for sure.

Glad I have this thread to vent on so I don’t have to be a witch with a B in real life.

The last thing I want to do after coming home from another 13 1/2 hour work day with only one day off since January (cause I was sick) is help you with you with the computer stuff you don’t understand for your UNPAID volunteer work at 11 pm.

I was afraid this would happen when you volunteered. You may need something to do to occupy your time - I, on the other hand, do not.

And if you need something to do you could occasionally do something other than cook a pot of soup that lasts us 4 days - maybe clean the litter box, take the trash out, vacuum, throw in a load of laundry so I don’t have to do laundry at 11pm?? I’m seriously exhausted and trying to not explode when I come home to this mess.

And on the days where you haven’t even bothered to cook (the only thing you really do), I really do not want to go by and pick up dominos after a 12 hour day. I’ll just have a piece of toast I guess.

So if I seemed impatient when you wanted me to help you with the computer at 11 pm tonight - it’s because I really really wanted to just RELAX and UNWIND for an hour and watch the TV then go to bed.

Plus you ask for help but you will not listen. And you’re rude about it - stop talking down to someone who is trying to help.

Phew - good vent.

This weather is crazy! Has been nice and warm, and now expecting snow and cold tomorrow. It’s great weather for maple sugaring, though. This weekend, the sap buckets will be overflowing faster than we can collect them. The timing is perfect, as we have a dozen enthusiastic college students arriving to spend a week helping out as a service project. They are leaving the CA sunshine to come slog alongside us through the forests during our New England Mud Season… an energetic bunch of kids who are so interested in our work, and are passionate stigma-busters. I 'm really looking forward to getting to know them.

I sign up for a class on Friday mornings, only to find out by chance that it has been moved to Saturday 11-12:30. No email about this? Can I cancel and get my money back? I just think of all the events and festivals coming up that I’m going to be so late for… or just not bother to go to…and I’m sad.