Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

As a result of me speaking up about the test question issues on D21s latest AP class exam, the teacher is allowing all students to correct their exams for 1/4 the credit so that they can learn from their mistakes, and full credit will be given for any questions a kid can prove they got correct (with references) in spite of the autograde. I did a good thing. And my teen respects me a little today. I shall go eat ice cream to celebrate. :slight_smile:

And I should add I totally respect the way the teacher and her supervisor are handling this. I probably came across as one of ā€œthose parentsā€ at first, but they are now realizing there were some legitimate issues with that one test and they are taking care of it now that they realize I truly knew what I was talking about. Itā€™s about education, not grade grubbing.

In place of my normal-for-this-time-of-year work related dreams, last night I had a college related dream. Kid (who is still a junior! itā€™s too early for me to be stressing about college acceptances) was rejected by a school she plans to apply to, but is not one of her favorites, because she doesnā€™t check her email and didnā€™t respond to their request for missing information.

Stupid brain, giving me stupid dreams. Going to be a long next year.

Youā€™re not the victim that you portray yourself to be
You are an instigator, always have been, always will be.

Thank goodness College Confidential does not block me after one or two bad efforts at entering my password.

College Confidential, yes. College Confidigitalā€¦not so much.

Just get it doneā€¦my fingers are crossed!

I realize that the two of you may be new to yoga, but I canā€™t believe that you havenā€™t picked up on the fact that NOBODY else talks in the studio before class starts. We are all silently stretching or relaxing. Iā€™m going to cut you a bit a slack for another week or so, but if you havenā€™t figured out the studio etiquette by then, Iā€™m going to have to mention your etiquette breaches to the management.

Student post:

ā€œI am really confused. I have two colleges to choose from, what do you thinkā€.

Poster A:

ā€œWe had the same exact choice and chose school x. I would definitely suggest school xā€.

?? How is this helpful. I would love just once for someone to honestly say something along these linesā€¦

Poster B: ā€œWe had the same choice a few years back for DS or DD. In retrospect, it probably didnā€™t matter. We found that itā€™s all about your individual effort level and personal engagement. That is what really matters in the end. In all honesty,from time to time, we wondered if perhaps we had made the wrong decision. But it all worked out. But hereā€™s a few observations good and bad to help you make a good decision for you.ā€

No need to continue to validate a decision. I do like it when a poster leads with a version of a ā€œbias alertā€.

Ok. Iā€™ll move on now.

You guys are definitely a bunch of scammers. Thereā€™s this thing called the internet and we can (and did) find out what other people have paid for the same model. We will keep shopping.

Ugh! MIL, Iā€™m sorry your dog isnā€™t doing very well. But did you really have to unleash at my H, your S?

Yes, itā€™s unfortunate that we canā€™t visit all the time. But weā€™ve seen you 3x this year, you live 2 hours away, itā€™s only March. Your S has a very trying job, not only is he on the road a lot. Heā€™s had to put out numerous fires this week with employees and heā€™d like to relax on the weekends. We have this great empty nest that weā€™d like to enjoy.

I personally donā€™t want to travel or have you come here to hang out with a couple of 80 year olds for the entire weekend like you would want. Iā€™d like to exercise and enjoy my weekend and work on our hobbies.

And if you want your grandchildren to call, I think you would need to cultivate a relationship with them.

I guess I wasnā€™t done ;). When Iā€™ve told you that we see you much more than my own children or my mom, the answer isnā€™t to tell me that I should guilt my kids into coming more often.

Sorry in advance to anyone who does this.

CC is designed to help students and parents make good decisions for college.

Why would someone come here only

to constantly nitpick on various unimportant pieces of tangential info within a well reasoned response?

Disagree all you want or offer your own perspective. Thatā€™s awesome. Thatā€™s helpful.

But that not what your doing and everyone knows your MO.

Weird that many revel in the being some kind of unofficial CC ā€œgotcha policeā€.

Usually pouncing on most un-important and remarkably minor tidbit within a multifaceted post.

Itā€™s lame. And why not help with an original idea versus jumping on a post at least trying to answer/help the op.

No one needs you to swoop in as the big expert at finding errors. Itā€™s like youā€™re a frustrated person.

Relax, this is supposed to be a friendly and helpful place.

The contract says move plumbing and electric as needed. So tell me again why Iā€™m paying you to come back when it wasnā€™t done as it should have been?

Daughter of mine, Iā€™m sorry that your replacement flooring is awakening you to the responsibility of home ownership.

And that you were moved to tears when they told you you needed $1000.00 in new subfloors as well.

But dang, girl! Truly impressed those tears took $275 off the bill!!

You seem nice.

Mom, donā€™t say that you were too busy to activate your new Target card. I get that you are easily tired after work since your physical stamina is abysmal, but you could have spent 5 minutes to activate the card instead of spending 3 hours in crappy K-drama.

this one just annoys me; makes me sad.
Kidā€™s HS soccer team has to sell cookie dough to help fund their sport.

one black immigrant kid canā€™t get anyone to buy from him walking around the schoolā€™s neighborhood until my blonde kid goes with him and talks. Why are people like this?

Iā€™ve asked you for 3 days to find what is smelling in the kitchen and throw it out. Finally had to do it myself after I got back from work today. Then you told me it wasnā€™t the vegetables and complained when I went through them and fished out a bunch of rotting stinking ones. Then complained cause I threw them in the trash cause you wanted to toss them in the front yard instead of the trash. I really donā€™t want rotten food in the front yard - if you want to make a compost bin that would be fine. But just throwing trash in the lawn, no. Sitting here in tears - so tired from working too many hours while you sit at home and do absolutely nothing and coming home exhausted to the godawfull mess you make this house. Then having to fight you over throwing trash out.

This danged cold has lasted two weeks now. Enough already! At least my ear is not infected any longer, but I still canā€™t hear out of it. The doctor said to wait 10 days and come back if itā€™s still clogged up. Sigh.

I accomplished so much today. Cleaned out the gutters, replaced the innards in the toilet, which led to cleaning the bathroom because Iā€™m a buffoon, and finally got started sanding the kitchen cabinets and they are now ready to prime and paint tomorrow. Removed the range hood by myself. Hot shower and Advil for me tonight!

You say you have been accepted to nearly every Top 30 LAC and you have applied to what looks like most of the Top 15 Universities as well (using both the common app and the coalition app so you could apply to more than 20 schools)ā€¦yet your credentials and scores and ECs and GPA arenā€™t quite consistent between all your claims. Your choice of colleges are all the tippy tops down the list with no regard to potential fit/location. Iā€™d like to call you out but I donā€™t want to come across like a jerk. And maybe Iā€™m wrong. Something smells off, though. But then again, maybe Iā€™m wrong.

Sometimes people need encouragement and sometimes they need a reality check. Not all decisions are wise; encouraging someone to think they had ā€œbad luckā€ when they actually made poor choices isnā€™t really helping them.