Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You were going to send your passport information when you did not have a clue whether this was legit?
Then you tell me I did not need to raise my voice?It was just a month ago that you caused us to change our
password because you followed some bogus instructions. Your PASSPORT!!! Idiot.


sigh of relief.

Junior year is exhausting for students and parents. So glad 3/4ths of it is over!

I hate this damn state.

Oh I seeā€¦ the little green men are already there.

Little league friend and school peer of my son died today of Lymphoma. Having a difficult time feeling happy for my son and this next great step in his life when this young manā€™s amazing family will never have this experience for their child. Heartbroken today.

Stop whining that you were only accepted to 3 of your T 20 schools, but not your dream school! The entitlement of certain members of this generation of college applicants is nauseating when some truly spectacular kids arenā€™t getting into any of their preferred schools.

I understand the concept behind the common and coalition apps, but I think they have ruined the college application process.

Ugh, thereā€™s a bill in Maine that would require ā€œan individualā€ who receives Medicaid to work 20 hours a week. I ASSUME they mean ā€œan able-bodied individualā€ but it doesnā€™t read that way. Thereā€™s no way my son could work that much. :frowning:

Dear older brother & sister,
We get that youā€™re the oldest and grateful youā€™ve both opted to ā€œbe in chargeā€ of handling things for mom and dad at CCRC, and grateful youā€™re willing to do it. I am VERY concerned that you are unable and unwilling to order the CNA to give dad the medication that I worked for 3 months to get!

Ok then, I guess we will wait another week until I come home before you guys will do what I wrote out last week before I left. . What will you two ā€œin chargeā€ do in the event of a crisis? I really did spell everything out and I honestly canā€™t see why this is even difficult or complicated.

I donā€™t have any medical degree either and none if this is rocket science.

I canā€™t believe Dad made you the sole executor.

Scratch that. Of course I can. Youā€™re the male.

But sheesh you are SO difficult! And itā€™s clear youā€™re overwhelmed and not thinking properly. Dad didnā€™t do any of us, including you, any favors with this decision.

Well, that was refreshing - the state representative I emailed about the bill got right back to me and said the bill applies only to able-bodied individuals, so my son wonā€™t be affected. Whew.

Iā€™m really happy all the kids will be home this weekend for birthday celebration, but this is one day where going out would be easier than making a meal at home for you. Between picking you up, grocery shopping, finishing your taxes, and taking you to the mall, when am I going to have time to cook? And I need to get you home by 11 on Sunday tooā€¦ maybe a friend will pick you up and drive you home. I would never complain to you that you doing without a car is difficult for me, because Iā€™m happy to see you and normally itā€™s not a problem, but this is a tough weekend.

You have lost your mind.

Dear cat,
Yes, I am trying to be grateful that at almost 14 you seem to be more energetic than at age 7, but if you continue to scratch on every piece of paper in my bedroom and even the walls at 1 a.m., 2 a.m., etc. while whining with these high-ptiched meows, I will have to resort to using the squirt gun I just bought at Target on you. If that doesnā€™t shut you up, Iā€™m out of ideas.

Wow, are you that obnoxious in real life?

Really pissed off that guidance office at Ds school didnā€™t offer any to her, or us, and we had no idea about the ED game or how behind the 8 ball we would be. Sheā€™ll be fine, but no help from you! Learn todo your job!

Some things you just canā€™t unsee. Grrrrrr

Please, please, please do well in the interview. Underemployed is better than no employment & you need insurance coverage.