Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

The annual major golf tournament really messes up traffic for thousands of people. I know wealthy people like to go watch the golf, but the barriers erected around the course keep the riff raff (me) from seeing anything as I wait in traffic.

Whoa, that CBS story on the girl who committed suicide last year hit too close to home. :frowning:

Love all my family members very much, but it’s SOO nice to be off sick and have the house to myself for a bit.

(sigh) I miss being able to step outside and buy a 75 cent tasty, freshly cooked, empanada for breakfast (or supper).

The older I get the more I realize I’m definitely cut out for laid back island life.

Arghhh. Here we are in the top choice school vs most affordable school anguish again. Wishing top choice school had been outrageously unaffordable instead of just under the cusp with future uncertainty. Wishing we hadn’t spent so much time talking about top choice school. Tired from tossing and turning wondering if we can make it work. And hoping it all works out in the end like last time (do we get another “miracle”?). Also thankful this is it. Until the empty house hits and then I’ll probably be wishing I was having in depth discussions about college application strategies instead of silence. Maybe.

What happened to our collective sense of humor and good manners?

Not wishing for the “good old days” at all.

But “throwing the ‘societal’ baby out with the bath water” does not feel like we are getting any kinder. More aware for sure. Just like to hear some non snarky laughter too.

I’m thinking I’m wrong to equate high income individuals with above average intelligence. Not sure how you make it so far in this life to be in the six plus figure categories and not understand the logistics of college costs.

I know you are graduating in May and you will miss tOSU and the great 4 years there; you will miss your friends too. And unfortunately you need to say goodbye now to the old car your grandparents gave you —be happy it lasted until now and got you through the college years. But it’s at the end of its life, the mechanic said so, it’s almost 200,000 miles and 18 years old. It won’t be able to make the journey east back home. Not without pouring another $2500 into what has become a money pit. Time to let it go!

Posters who insist on being rude and who consistently respond to others with snark do nothing but advertise their own arrogance and insecurity.

Mom get off my back. Stop texting me just because I forgot to brush teeth.

We are all the heroes in our own drama.

I don’t understand such a hands off approach to your sons college. There is NOT a lot of time left and acceptances HAVE come. Schools WOULD be emailing.
It’s time to get involved!

I really wish I could play guitar, piano or speak multiple (or one lol) foreign languages. It really looks fun and the language skills really impress me.

Just read a great quote that seems very appropriate right now . " Just because you’re not where they are does not mean you don’t have what it takes."

So five months later, we are back to square one. Five months is a couple of lifetimes when it comes to what this diagnosis could be. I get to pay more $$$ out of pocket for the same tests that were done then, all because your massive ego couldn’t conceive that you might have missed what was on two CT scans and confirmed by four radiologists. You may be a hotshot up-and-coming star at JHU, but you blew this one, big time. I haven’t fought for seventeen years to still be here just to have it all undone by your incompetence. Hope your mentor is better at this than you are.

It doesn’t matter if your kid is 75th percentile for scores/GPA for schools with single digit acceptance rates - it’s still a high reach and should have been treated as such.

And I so wish that students had the majority of their list comprised of match and safeties. Applying to all the Ivies, MIT, Stanford, etc with one safety that you don’t even like
 is only a recipe for heartbreak on Ivy Day.

We offered X50 to buy it without you needing to spiff it up and list it, and you disappeared. Now it sits on the market listed at X90, and even if you sell it for this much, you will net less than what we offered. Greed does not pay off. ?


Wow someone tried to break into my apartment
the bug net screen door was open and neither my mom nor me touched it. Thank goodness that we have a wooden bar that jams the actual door.

When you create a second account for the purpose of starting a ridiculous sound thread that has all the hallmarks of an under-the-bridge dweller, know two things:

1/ 99+% of the time we will figure it out, ban the second account,and issue a major warning to the primary

2/ We will wonder about the veracity of the posts created by the first account.