Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

None of my interviewees were admitted. Again.

Someone just sent me 3 bottles of Veuve Clicquot to thank me. I must have done something good.:slight_smile:

Yikes. Time to stockpile avocados and other Mexican-grown produce

Just in case there’s no basketball in heaven - sorry, Mom. Your Tar Heels lost.

I was in Nordstrom rack tonight,in one of the wealthiest counties in the country. I observed a male, probably 12ish, take a high end shoe off the rack and proceed to show a young female, probably less than 10, how to pull the jewel looking stuff off the buckle. (There were lots of big “beads” on this shoe). I “caught them” with the stuff in his hands by the fitting room, and I asked him if he thought what he was doing was a good idea, and if he thought he should be involving her. He didn’t say much, but he put them down, and they proceeded to “stand around” for a long time. She looked like she was about to cry, but she didn’t. I mentioned it to both the lady in the fitting room and the security guy who happened to pass by, and both said thanks, but neither challenged the kids or looked for their parent. The guy did pick up the beads and throw them away. As we were in line to check out, I saw them with their adult companion. I debated saying something to her, but my son didn’t want me to get more involved.
So, kids do this stuff, and the adults just ignore it. I find that both weird and sad.

Piece of human garbage. Two nice human beings gone, two wounded, and many more scarred. Hope you rot in jail forever.

Ugh, just wasted two hours of my life watching “The Square.” :frowning:

I can’t believe that I’m the only one who sees you for the ridiculously entitled, prestige obsessed person that you are.

Waiting a month for job interview results is tough. Reminds me of my college application days.

Lots and lots of humble brags all over these boards lately.

Please don’t assume that the rest of us aren’t smart enough to see them for what they are.

“Poor me, I have to choose between Harvard and Yale.” type of stuff. What a dig at all those who are facing less exciting acceptance results.

Let’s face it: if you’re smart enough to have incredible choices, then you’re probably smart enough not to rely on the advice of strangers online to make this huge decision. Go to the Accepted Student Days, weigh your options, and choose.

Adults who judge a teen based on appearance are so frustrating. You think my daughter is a bad influence because she has rainbow hair and a nose ring? Because she wears belly shirts? You regularly allow your child to associate with an alcoholic and a drug dealer, and I’m told you hope your son grows up to marry the girl who is one of the worst bullies we’ve ever met, so I don’t think you’re really giving consideration to the right things.

You are graduating in May, it is time to sell your old furniture in your off-campus apartment because we have no where to store the stuff at home —we are not clogging our living room. And I’m not paying a monthly fee for Public Storage. And for what it will cost to rent a Uhaul to move the furniture back east it will better to just go to IKEA and buy some new inexpensive furniture when you are ready to move out again!

This has been dragging on far too long. It’s been over three months since this possibility was underway for something that was supposed to happen “quickly.” How hard is it? At least you reached out this week with a promise to push for something to happen by Monday. Hope to get some resolution as we are both tired of all this limbo and waiting. If it’s not going to happen, just say so! If it is, get it done!!!

STOP inviting people who haven’t seen him since he was a toddler to our son’s graduation!!! It’s not YOUR event! We’re up to 26 now, and I will NOT herd these cats. Maybe I’ll just stay home and watch the livestream. At this point, I think our son wants to join me.

Still waiting
and I’m still worrying

As a reminder, “Say it here
” posts must still comply with ToS. If saying it elsewhere would result in a warning, the same applies here. So among many other things, no political discussion, no questioning moderation. no spam, etc. The links to the rules are on the bottom of every page. In addition, this is a “no reply” thread.

To answer the question I deleted: You can prevent getting banned by following the rules; if you’ve racked up several warnings, then a ban after a violation should come as no surprise.

Did you really just tell my husband not to worry his pretty little head???

Praying for the family of Samantha Josephsen. Listening to the Columbia PD press conference was beyond disturbing. Fortunately, they caught the murderer before he could claim another victim at U of SC by posing as an Uber driver. What a monster. May justice be swift.

Your condescending, know it all, attitude is very off putting.

Think before you say something, especially on the WWW.