Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

At first I was merely annoyed by the guy in the BMW convertible weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off, acting as if he was late for brain surgery.

Then I was more perplexed, wondering why he would bob and weave like that, only to break free of traffic and then slow down to the speed we were all going.

But all was well enough in ntil someone came up and had the temerity to pass him, at which point he went at it again, bobbing and weaving with no apparent purpose.

In the end, we traveled (almost) together for about 20 minutes, never more than a quarter mile apart, and he changed lanes no less than 100 times, and I didnā€™t change lanes even once, and yet he never moved significantly ahead of me.

You, sir, are an idiot.

We love having you sweet ā€œgrand dogā€ , but why must you search the yard for dead animals and roll in them every time you visit. Youā€™re a real stink pot.

I donā€™t think that extroverts understand how much introverts need to recharge. And that working full time at almost 60 is hard and tiring. We need our alone time!

Sleeping on the red-eye is not sleeping. Please just go to bed for a couple of hours. You are NOT fine.

Who stuck her whiskered face into my jar of very expensive sunflower oil, organic mayo?!! You would not eat it anyway, and now I would not eat it either!

Your car has a turn signal. Please use it when you change lanes!

So tired of waking up with a headache every time the weather changes.

Does anyone else have a constant problem with transposing ā€œform and fromā€ in emails and posts. And of course autocorrect misses this almost 100 percent of the time.

Only place to vent is here. I came home for a two day visit and now Iā€™ve been caregiver for three weeks with no end in sight. Iā€™m brain dead, tired and in a time warp.

All these parents complaining that an OOS public college costs more than their in state public. Go to the cheaper in state public or pay the higher cost OOS.

Mom, I know you are overwhelmed with your move right now, but please stop saying negative things about my DIL. I love her. She is about to give me my first grandbaby. She is not ā€œdifferent.ā€ The nursery is not ugly, it is the going thing right now. Iā€™m beginning to think youā€™re jealous that you donā€™t get 100% of my attention. I told you to put on your happy pants and stop with the negativity. I hope you took my comments as seriously as I meant them.

I canā€™t believe people are patient enough to honestly try to help you, and I canā€™t believe how rude you are being to them. Perhaps you need to grow up a bit and realize you arenā€™t as amazing as you think you are.

Please donā€™t barge into the bedroom and start talking a mile a minute while Iā€™m sleeping! At least try to wake me up gently first. :frowning:

It happens every time I get on an airplane. They say ā€œin the event of a water evacuationā€¦ā€ and I always think about someone peeing their pants.

ā€œWelcome to Incontinental Airlinesā€

You are an ass.

Thank you for finally letting me know whatā€™s going on. I appreciate it and look forward to final approval.

Ugh, tomorrow will be tough. Dad is having open heart surgery and Iā€™m 2,500 miles away. :frowning:

The mind/body connection is going strong over here. Last weekā€™s emotional distress is this weekā€™s virus. :frowning:

Our puppy was born, yeyyyyyyy! Only 8 weeks to go until he comes home. Beautiful Chesapeake bay retriever. So excited <3

Ok, I feel great at telling you, dear sister, that I am sorry Iā€™m working and unable to bail you out by taking our dad to yet another appt that you made that, surprise you canā€™t be present at. Wow, what a coincidence that you can never make ANY appointments that you schedule for dad. Someone might be seeing a pattern.

Some of us only make and schedule appointments that we commit to following though and going to. Oh well, hope when you reschedule you pick a day youā€™re available because I probably wonā€™t be available.