Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

To the slimeballs that stole 3 picnic tables from the local middle school. The karma train is coming. Our scouts spent many hours building them for one of the Scouts Eagle project. I hope you’re happy with yourselves.

Before you post something like, “The moderators are doing such a bad job - why didn’t they close this thread? Why didn’t they delete this post?” ask yourself if you have submitted a report! Oh, and also keep in mind that discussing moderation is not permitted, anyway.

How I ended up somewhat normal coming from this Jerry Springer family is still baffling. Packing my belongings in trash bags and moving out at 18 still hasn’t saved me from the seepage of your toxic crap.

We have to do an engineering project using the METRIC system?!? Geez. I learned it 40 years ago, but I’m a tad rusty. Plus, all the steel beam shapes, concrete reinforcing bars, etc. have a totally different nomenclature. I guess old dogs are going to have to learn new tricks.

After all that waiting, you changed what was previously on the table and had been advertised/promised. Not cool. Clarifying that earlier would have saved all of us a lot of time.

You said 2 - 4 weeks. We are at 3 weeks and 5 days. COME ON!!! :slight_smile:

So happy that DS has a new GF and is so happy!

So you left your colleagues in the lurch yesterday when you took a personal day because your kid was sick with a high fever… and then you posted photos on social media of you and your very healthy-looking kid spending the day hiking and biking. I can’t decide whether you are really thoughtless… or just really stupid.

Why do I feel guilty about cutting down a tree that leans dangerously over the house and is in serious decline? I was ok til I counted the rings.

I will not feel guilty about kowtowing to your whims. Ok, I do but I’m trying not to

Someone asks a specific question on a thread. Several people answer it with the correct answer in the next few posts.

People continue on with the thread and

dozens of posts later two or three people answer the same question from earlier back several pages. And with the exact answer that already had been posted right after the original question.

How does this happen? Do people read a question and then immediately skip over the next posts and then start reading again and post the answer.

I’m thinking people see a question and don’t bother to see if anyone answered already ? And just respond like the 50 posts since the question do not exist? And not talking about modifying the answer or adding to it. No the exact same answer. Posted multiple times and much later in thread.

It seems to happen all the time.

And while I am on the questions of the universe.

The professor could turn a coconut into a radio but they couldn’t get off Gilligan’s Island?

Hang in there, Dad.

I work in a small office with just 3 women. Seems like someone is always at lunch or off work and frequently there are only two of us here and we are not readily visible to customers who come in. Why is it that nearly every MALE customer makes some kind of comment like, “Are you the only one here?” or “Are you here by yourself?” Don’t they know how creepy that sounds? FEMALE customers never make those kind of comments.

Families living in gated suburban communities with manicured lawns worried that their children will be exposed to the real world by attending an urban university. Talk about privilege.

Today is the first day I’ve ever invoked the “I can retire whenever I want so I’m going to handle this my way” rule.
Someone tried to “bully me” and said “the boss said…” and then tried to make nice and get me to do what she wanted me to do. Well I was not impressed, so I went right up to the boss, and asked him to talk to me in his office.
Turns out the boss didn’t say, and she was just trying to strong arm me to get what she wanted. I have really tried to stay above the ridiculous level of drama in my current office, but today it impacted me personally, and I wasn’t backing down. I’m sure I’m now “on her list” (which I’m sure is rather long).

It’s perfectly reasonable to take your D to a (post-college) job interview. It’s … less reasonable to want to go along on the pre-interview tour with her.

My dog has never been a digger. Then why, after we just spent thousands putting in a new sprinkler system and sod, is he starting to dig holes in our yard???!!!

OK, got it, we don’t want to invite any friends to seder because they might not participate in the way you think they should. And it’s all about your expectations, isn’t it.

Stop messing with the HVAC. You’ve got the air conditioning running and set to 68 when it’s 65 degrees outside, 70 degrees inside, the windows are open, and you’re wearing a coat and hat inside. There’s a reason I set the heat to 68 and the air to 78 and never touch it.

The term “tippy top” belongs only in stories told to Kindergarteners.