Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Get over yourself.

When restaurants post closing times those times should reflect the last time you can be seated and order food, not when they expect the last person out the door or how late the bar is open.

This was a long time coming and I am enjoying it immensely.

Badges? I donā€™t need no stinkinā€™ badges.

Why is it that HS students are so quick to want to drop their foreign language courses?

The sports analogy is also apropos when you consider the sore losers and the narcissistic parents trying to live vicariously through their children.

Oh, where is karma when you need it?

ā€œYouā€™re competing with people who at least superficially appear to have had the same privileges and opportunities as youā€ sure gets shorthanded as ā€œpoor brown people took the spot that you would have gotten X years agoā€ a lot.

So glad that is resolved, and I donā€™t have to think about it anymore!

Thank God, Dad seems to have turned the corner after his surgery. He is such a ROCK for our extended family that I have never really contemplated the idea of him not being around. Iā€™m hoping heā€™s here many more years.

So, eleventh grade hustle awakens even Sleeping Cat. Hello.

Iā€™m sorry, earnest people who want to be veterinarians, but I keep reading your thread as ā€œWhatā€™s a Good Pervert School.ā€

Fingers still crossed!

Dear precious little dog - Please, please, please stop eating things off the ground in the yard! It makes you sick. You should know this by now. I donā€™t want to restrict you from playing in the fenced in yard but I also want you around for a very long time!

Be careful what you search for on google at work.

Needed an article by a Huffpost blogger named martini.

Query - ā€œMartiniā€™s view on the poorā€
Hit enter

Response ā€œBest Martiniā€™s for viewing pornā€

With links.

Ahhh. Delete. Delete.

And then I scratch my head and said ā€œis that really a thingā€.

Lol. My laugh of the week.

All parents should be banned from the sidelines of all kidsā€™ competitive sporting events. Either that, or I get to smack the obnoxious moms and dads upside their heads.

Why is it so hard to find the tear line on the doggy poop bags!

Boss: ā€œThree of us (his boss and his colleague) will be working on this presentation for the CEO this weekend.ā€
Me: ā€œYou have all the materials from me. I am sure you will do great.ā€ (Told my staff not to respond or it would be a black hole.)
I already gave them a well written presentation with design and approach. If they want to mess with it some more, donā€™t count me in.

Ugh, almost hit a neighbor as I pulled out of our driveway this morning. I can count on two hands the number of times Iā€™ve even had to stop for someone else on our quiet culdesac road, but I ALWAYS look both directions, even in the middle of the night. This morning, though, there was a car coming from the left that I was paying attention to (I figured out he was waiting for me to turn), and I didnā€™t look to the right. The neighbor coming from that direction was directly in front of me so I almost T-boned her. She really glared at me, which I can understand. I mouthed, ā€œSorry!ā€ a couple of times but she just kept glaring. To make matters worse, we were both on our way to our annual town meeting and sheā€™s a selectman, so I had to look at her for two hours. Sigh. I guess Iā€™ll call her later today.

You are taking your white female unhooked junior to visit T20 colleges when she has a straight-B high school record and a 1200 SAT score. Sheā€™s a great human being and I like her a lot, and it is taking all my self-control not to tell you to visit solid safeties and matches (which you arenā€™t doing!). You are working off of decades old data and I donā€™t want to see your kid get disappointed. And yet - I donā€™t want to be Nosy Nettie either. I wish I could figure out a way to steer you guys in a more realistic direction without sounding condescending or negative or like a know-it-all. There are schools that would love to have her, but I am not convinced she is going to get into any of the places you keep taking her.