Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Youv have to be the laziest person in the universe. What do you do all day? This house is absolutely filthy - could you spend maybe one hour a day doing something useful - maybe clean the kitchen counter top off and put your several days of dishes bin the dishwasher, clean the litter box so I don’t have to come home to cat poo on the floor cause it’s so filthy. & When I commented that the least you can do is clean the litter box so I don’t have to when I get home at 11.15 after a 15 hour day your response is “I can do that for you”. Really?

Well I’m off to work 7 hours after I got home. Will take the trash out on my way because you’re to lazy to even do that.

Hope I can get through the next few days without exploding. I came close last night. Very close.

Ooh, I feel sorry for the nurse practitioner who has incurred my sister’s wrath. When my sister told the NP that she thought Dad could handle three hours a day of rehab because he went into the hospital really strong, the woman replied, “81 is 81 and it doesn’t matter what condition he went into the hospital in.” In front of our mom! I told Sis to tell the nurse that Dad just week attended a meeting in Dallas for a startup company, he is scheduled to fly to the Caribbean on a consulting project, and he will be speaking at an engineering conference in London in July. This isn’t your typical 81-year-old.

Interesting how, after decisions are out, schools that were worth applying to are not worth attending for reasons that were known before the application effort. So, instead of attending a school that showed the love, apparently it’s OK to pass and try for a “better” school next round. You know, the ones that passed on you this time. Good luck with that.

The good news: After comparing my dad’s and son’s hospital experiences over the last couple of months, I can say that care of the physically and mentally ill is on an equal footing.

The bad news: The care is equally BAD! At least now I know it wasn’t bias against mentally ill people that explained my son’s care. It’s just our health care system in general. :frowning:

I know you are new and I’ve been patient with the more technical part of the workload but you’ve failed to show or shown up late now for more than a half dozen dual visits in two months. Each time you’ve insinuated that I was wrong but when checking your so-called calendar you have had to acknowledge it was not me. No sorrys, just a shrug of shoulder. Now you get defensive in front of the whole team when a mutual error comes up and throw me under the bus? Are you kidding? Game on.

Ok body, you’ve had essentially three days (mostly off). I’m glad today is far better than Sunday, but getting tired at the drop of a hat and the various significant internal pains involved from the remnant of this infection isn’t going to work out very well tomorrow. Get that immune system on it! Remember that homeostasis thing we teach about?

I’ll add that I’m glad it’s not a head cold, stomach flu, or plain old flu - all of which were options running around school that you could have picked up. At least except for the lungs and fatigue, the rest feels just fine. That’s a plus. But still - fix them!

It seems like some people on this site can’t post anything without inserting a brag somehow.

A little bit of luck would help right now.

You’ve pushed my daughter three times now about an aspect of her upbringing that differs from the way you raised your son. How many times have I even discussed the issue with him? Never. I understand boundaries.

We handled it differently, not because we were negligent parents, and not because we’re bad people, but because we don’t agree with you about this.

I would back off. You’ve met my daughter, right?

My dad is still not doing great. He’s having trouble swallowing so they’re running tests today.

As a result, all he can have right now are ICE CHIPS. He’s supposed to get them every 20 minutes, 24/7. After days of pestering, the hospital FINALLY hooked up his CPAP machine last night (first time in six days!!). When I called to check on that and to see if they were giving him ice chips, the nurse said, “Well, now that he’s hooked to CPAP, we can’t give him ice!” “Uh, can’t you unhook it?” “Well, the mask has a tight seal…” ACK!!! So my sister called and spoke to the charge nurse, who assured her she will take care of it. I bet Dad’s nurse is annoyed at us, ha.

My 17-year-old nephew has been taking turns sitting at the hospital with his grandfather. He asked his mom, “What do people do who don’t have someone to stay with them?” He said that one time, he had to call four times before someone came to help my dad to the bathroom.

This is Austin, not some tiny rural area.

Why do some posters take political verbiage and put it on CC? Toxic elitism, privilege, and all the other terms seem to be their choice of every counterpoint argument.
Maybe someone has a different, valid viewpoint. Wish some of these folks would keep their politics out of college admissions discussions.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: @Happytimes2001 political commentary is not allowed. Please report any posts you feel violate this rule.

“Princeton, Harvard or Columbia… which free ride is right for me?”. No should ever respond to this type of post. Ever.

How sad that you seek to build up your pathetic, frail little ego but cutting down other people. I feel sad for your kid that that’s the example that has been set for him.

The stress-cake that is my life is up to about 12 layers.

But when I start to feel sorry for myself, I think about my neighbors. They’re a lovely young couple with three kids under 5, including a newborn.

A few months ago, the husband went to the doctor with a headache. A few days later he was diagnosed with a grade 4 cancerous brain tumor. Two brain surgeries, plus regular chemo and radiation, and the prognosis is uncertain.

That is stress.

My problems are nothing.

Guests coming tomorrow and the work on our bedroom windows isn’t done yet. I can clear out the back bedroom we’ve been sleeping in, move to our regular bedroom after cleaning up the construction stuff, and then do it again in reverse on Monday! Oh, happy times…

And I can’t hang the curtains yet. So where do I drape these 110" long curtains so they don’t crease? And so the dog doesn’t pee on the edge of them like he might just decide to do?


I think I’ll just take the high road here.

170 more work days

23 more work days!