Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Really, closely held family corp, you couldn’t get us our 1099-DIV corrected forms any sooner than TODAY?!?!?! You do recognize that taxes are due on Monday, 4/15 this month, don’t you?!?!?!?

I’m just grateful that we overpaid but a huge amount so don’t owe any taxes nor penalties, or I’d be even more irritated with you than I already am. You aren’t even doing anything as a corporation but still can’t get us our corrected 1099-DIV forms earlier than this week–U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E!

Jet lag is a royal pain.

Took the bull by the horns after another episode with my team RN. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have the maturity to express the things she is frustrated or upset with and spent an hour of my time avoiding pertinent issues and blaming other factors on her disposition. When I frankly said that I felt she was giving me the cold shoulder and I really wanted to make the team work I still got nowhere. I felt like I was pulling teeth trying to get her to tell me what I could do to make us work better. This women is early 60s. I truly feel like I"m in middle school. But I do feel now that I’ve confronted her, for lack of a better term, that she’ll drop the crappy attitude at least in my presence.

I am soooooooo sick of your humble brags.

Dad is back in ICU. :frowning:

What a fun sucker.

It makes me so sad that I don’t think I can share tremendously wonderful news because I know she will not, can not, find it in herself to be truly joyful with me.

Mom’s been denied acceptance into a trial, so this is the final stretch to the end - barring a miracle.

My own body decided to start some new things yesterday that left me wondering about the length of the future.

H got results from his sleep apnea test that will require research to see if the important part is “mild” or “breathing stops 5 times per hour” and then figuring out what’s next given his options.

Sis has finally gotten control of Dad’s estate which should be good, except it’s left her in an extreme stressed position needing a lot of guidance and affirmation. A lot of guidance and affirmation.

All of this coming since 6pm yesterday.

Seems like a movie.

It’s days like today when I’m thankful to have Geometry classes that need a bit of help. Just gotta get done with this Study Hall to return to sane programming for another few hours. Then the brain will have to start methodically figuring out how to deal with the rest. (sigh)

The hardest part is figuring out what to do with the new health things of my own. So far no one knows, except our cat, and it’s going to stay that way. Are they temporary or new normal? More radiation effects, additional stuff due to the lingering respiratory whatever, or progression from something else? Will they hold off until after Mom’s time is done? Am I ok continuing to do things even though it gets worse?

It would be easy to assume something brain weird due to stress if it had started after the other news hit, but no such luck. It was the first to take me by surprise yesterday - an issue I was already pondering when the others started competing for center stage.

So… 25 more minutes of Study Hall, then some sanity can return with quadrilaterals!

Yay, Dad is complaining and advocating for himself! And worrying about Mom. Sister says he looks so much better today. Thank you, God.

God, I hope you’re not going to be with us tonight. I don’t want to spend the evening trying not to throw up while your fawn all over my husband.

Thanks to working exclusively with clients implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and now the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), every time I see DS on College Confidential I read it as Data Subject instead of Dear Son. I need to get a life…sigh.

I so want the best outcome - but fear that what he thinks is best for him at 18 may not prove to be the case over time. I can’t push him to what I think would be better, because he has to live with his choices, and it’s HIS life, not mine My tongue is practically bitten off…

I wish I had more tolerance for bigots, but as it turns out, I do not.

Your adult daughter did not come to your 60th birthday party so now you are not speaking to her. Grow up. Geez I’m glad I divorced you 23 years ago.

I thought that officiating a funeral this week meant I wouldn’t have one during Holy Week.

Nope. Make that seven worship services in 7 days.

Don’t insult me out of the blue on FB, then respond to my public (and measured) response with an unfriend and a nasty private message. You’re a schoolteacher, for God’s sake. How are you supposed to set an example for children when you act like a melodramatic 7th grader yourself?

Signed up for an intermediate Italian class. For Friday mornings. The week it was supposed to start, I check the website for the time and find out it’s delayed 2 weeks and the classes are either Monday evenings or Saturday mornings instead!

I email the teacher and tell him that I’ll be in the Monday evening class for the first week only, since I’ll be gone that Saturday. He replies “thanks for letting me know”. I go to that first class and all is well.

So, I go to class #2 on the appropriate Saturday morning, and realize that I didn’t do the same homework that the Saturday class did. Why are they all reading elaborate stories using past tense? Did we learn past tense? Why do they all know each other so well? What is going on?

Yes, I was in the wrong class. In the advanced class! I bluffed my way through it with the grace of an elephant in heels and took off after it was over. I have house guests, it’s a special weekend, and I was so frazzled that I left for the class that morning without my purse (though I did have my phone).

I check the web site - BOTH classes are listed for the same time on Saturday with the same instructor in the same place. Why didn’t I get the damn memo? Why did he thank me? Sometimes I wonder if I’m somehow out of sync with the universe - they must have all thought I was crazy.

I’m just a teacher who “volunteers” to sell theatre tickets at the high school for their annual musical. They don’t pay me extra, I’m not pocketing the money, I didn’t set the prices, I can’t make another patron move out of seats they purchased because YOU want them, I don’t have the ability to take credit cards, I can’t let you in for free, I, too, am good friends with the administrator so I don’t see why you think I will make special exceptions for you because you tell me you are friends.
While most people are lovely, why do SOME people feel the need to abuse others who spend their lives educating their family members?

Did you really just stand in front of our department mailboxes systematically decreeing which of our coworkers you will be letting go because they’re “too old” when you step into the supervisor’s shoes in a few weeks?

Is the hypocrisy not obvious…

People who simultaneously display the exact behavior they are accusing others of displaying while complaining about it.

Example… I think all mean people should suffer horrible deaths.

How about a little self awareness and sorry the marriage, etc didn’t work out but don’t bring my family into it.