Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Last night I was reading my iPad in bed, and over the edge came HUGE spider legs. I freaked out and threw my ipad out of bed. My husband woke up, we turned on the light, and under the iPad was a spider bigger than an elastic hair band, with thick legs. Spider was taken care of. Of course then I couldn’t sleep for hours. Getting creeped out even now typing this. ICK!
ETA - IPAD survived, but I am due for a new one anyway.

Never cried over a golf tournament before. What a redemption story!

Tax returns filed and accepted by the IRS. Another 365 days to procrastinate. ?

ebags- you have TERRIBLE customer service, do not stand by your merchandise or treat your customers right. CC’ers, stay far away from them.

One step forward two steps back…you invite me for your birthday dinner and tell me you’ll text with a time. I get a text 45 minutes before the reservation, not from you, and its a 20 minute ride…sorry I was elbow deep in paint at 4:00 and the only time available was apparently 5. And now you’re upset that I didn’t make it? Then to top things off, the “free” house you offered me for graduation weekend is now $900? I specifically asked if the owner/your good friend was charging because I already had one reserved on vrbo and you told me absolutely not but I should throw her a couple hundred which I intended to do. I invited the entire family and told them all it was free for the weekend…now I have to come up with another $700? Stop doing me favors. And get yourself better friends.

I’m a farm girl… I don’t have much interest in designer fashions, or the designers themselves… except for one. In my fantasy world, I wear his Oscar-winner- worthy gowns, tartans and riding boots, I live in a manor house, and he is my interior designer. So when I actually had a random chance encounter with him and his wife on a country road this weekend, (they in exactly the type of vintage convertible sports car I’d expect…), I was… totally star struck. I wanted to say “I love everything you’ve ever designed. I saved for months to have a club chair covered in your fabric! “ Alas, all I could do was respond to his query with “Coffee? Of course… there’s a little place just down the road on the right.” Sigh. Why didn’t I say “Coffee? Why, I have a pot brewing, and I live right over there, please do come by… I even have… babka!” Sigh. Worse yet, no one I have shared this with has shared my excitement. Oh well… it sure made my day, anyhow…

I have yet to see a student or parent from Rutgers, UT or UCLA etc police CC for perceived slights.

Why do ardent supporters of Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton and Duke seemingly need to provide so much air cover? It’s really a strange phenomenon. No comment that dares to question their grandeur goes unanswered.

I think the schools will survive the occasional balanced comparison.

I’m tired of the parental griping. News flash, your adult student needs to actually go to the job fairs, go to the career center, send out resumes, and aggressively pursue summer internships. They don’t just fall into your lap, and mommy begging on social media for someone to hire their kid, is not a good look.

On a similar note, it’s not the university’s fault that your child has no friends. Re-read the last line of your diatribe - “stayed in his room every weekend and never joined any clubs.” Bing, bing, bing…maybe that’s the problem. The university president is not going to knock on your kid’s door and drag him out on a Friday night.

Big schools aren’t for everyone. Totally OK to admit that your student may have made the wrong choice, just don’t bash the university on the way out for stuff that is 100% on your kid.

My fully independent, living on the opposite coast, 21-year-old ds sent a text to dh and me letting us know he had arrived back to his apartment safely after attending Coachella all weekend! A surprising (but most welcome!), thoughtful gesture!!

I wish CC had an “aghast” button.

Went over some friends’ house this weekend for dinner and playing some cards.

When we were done playing, the husband looked at us and said, “oh by the way this probably the last time we’ll ever play cards together. We’re getting divorced, and I’m moving to <city well=”" over="" 1500="" miles="" away="">."

Our jaws hit the proverbial floor. I am seldom at a loss for words, but I was literally speechless.

We were in their house for almost 5 hours, and there was no clue or hint that anything was wrong. They were acting totally normal.

They are some of our oldest and dearest friends, they’ve been married almost 38 years. He is leaving behind his kids, who are all local. He’s got “friends” in this city, who the heck knows what that means. I couldn’t bring myself to ask the obvious question.

We are still having trouble processing this.

“Hardly anyone knows yet, please don’t tell anyone.” Well, now you all know. I guess we should be flattered we were some of the first ones they told? :confused:

The crap-show that is my life just keeps getting better and better.

“Gonna, gotta and wanna” should not be used when writing.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: A reminder that no responses are permitted in this thread. Thanks!

Please, young people!! Pronounce center “t’s” in words!!! It’s, “buTTon, “ not, “bu-un.”

I have ZERO sympathy for the drug addicted. They took the first hit, the first shot. No one put that needle in their arm except them. So now they poop on the sidewalks, spread typhus downtown, start fires, and leave their filthy shopping carts on the sidewalks. It’s no one’s fault but their own.

I’m sorry that because of your living situation he’ll get the house and most of the friends in your divorce, but honestly you’re better off without him. I’ll tell you this some day when the hurt isn’t so obviously fresh.

The majority of sorority girls that we saw this past Saturday sure did not have a welcoming vibe about them. Their uniform look (straightened hair, full face of make up, short shorts with house T on plus I’d say more of a contemptuous sneer vs a welcoming smile) as they all talked in cliquey little groups instead of engaging with admitted students pretty much confirmed my thoughts about the social sorority houses at this school. No thanks.

You can’t ask me for a favor, want me to skip good Friday church for your convenience and be a bully all at the same time. So I hung up.

Nôtre-Dame burning in Holy Week adds to the feeling I’ve had lately that the whole world is on fire.

So sad to see the roof collapse at Notre Dame. So glad we got to see the great cathedral a few years ago. :cry:

I’m sure they can rebuild it, but it may not be finished in my lifetime.