Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Holy Week is a good time to pray that we can all show more empathy and compassion.

Today started out as the sweetest of birthdays since last summerā€™s brain tumor resection didnā€™t guarantee me another one. But then, Notre Dame. Sonā€™s RCIA will end with this Saturdayā€™s Easter Vigil so that is what I will look forward to. Faith, family and food.

Another dog walk, another loose dog that wants to get rough with my dog. Ugh. Some pet owners are awful! Had to walk a block holding my 24 pound beagle/corgi while a 120 pound german shepard was jumping on my back and chest. If your dog jumps the fence, itā€™s time to get a taller fence.

Shout out to the self-important person who left a note (probably older as the note was addressed ā€œyoung womenā€) on my Dā€™s windshield admonishing her for parking in a handicapped parking space. He said heā€™s reporting her to two statesā€™ agencies. (Assuming male as the lettering was in all caps that reminded me of my grandfatherā€™s letter style).

Thereā€™s a deadline on that handicap placard. Itā€™s for recovery from an injury.

Six months ago, there was a horrific incident. Maybe if she left an x-ray on the dashboard you would have re-considered your accusations?

Yep. Some people cheat and use family membersā€™ handicap placards. Others have less visible ailments. Try not to judge every time you see someone park in a handicap space.

Kudos to my brave D for fighting her way back. Sheā€™s 90% there.

I am tired of repeating myself. I am tired of repeating myself. I am tired of repeating myself.

Thinking of getting a bullhorn and saying things just once from now on, right by your ear.

The same people who fired me are slowly undoing all the good things I did while I worked there. Looks like they are trying to erase any sign of my ever having been there. The changes I made were improvements, made things better for staff and patrons. Go back to the mess I found when I started!

You have been an absolute rock through this sad and difficult time.

Hard, cold, and silent.

The sad thing is you are Sooo very good at the job. But you are late every single day (not just a few minutes but an hour and frequently 2 or more). And you have missed so many days. You always say youā€™ll make up the hours - but you donā€™t. You have not been here long enough to get vacation and are deep in the hole on personal leave. You KNEW coming into the job that in tax season extra hours would be required and even though you have come in a little at weekends and stayed late a few times you are not even up to your required hours. This weekend I had to give one of your projects to another employee to finish up because you didnā€™t show up and the big boss had to contact you to come in and finish up your others (you showed up after 4!).

And yesterday - our biggest crunch day of the year - you were a couple of hours late again. One of your returns had to be fixed and reprinted and the big boss did it herself so we could get it out the door. And you were MIA again.

Well the big boss is going to be talking to you. I have a feeling, with your attitude, it wonā€™t go well. Itā€™s a shame because you are smart and very good at the work. But not carrying your share for sure.

Well that was an eye opener. I know we have a problem with a particular employee which weā€™ve been trying to resolve (unsuccessfully so far) but I did not realize quite how much anger and resentment other employees had towards her until our end of tax season get together - including non tax staff.

I really had no idea of some of the stuff that had been going on and I donā€™t think the other managers do either. So we will have to address it.

That said, I felt like I was hanging out at the mean girls table when I sat with you guys after most had left. The annoyance at certain things I understand, but the derogatory remarks about things like her weight really shocked me. And one employee in particular I had though of as really nice - wow. Youā€™re the queen of the mean girls. Maybe it was the margaritas talking, but wow.

Wonder what you say about me behind my back.

So sad and mad that a family member has slipped after five years. This damn opioid epidemic is killing our kids by the thousands. You worked hard at getting back into life, how do you just throw that away. Your poor mother is beside herself, you do realize how hard it was for her the first time she had to put her firstborn into a residential program. You do realize how many tens of thousands of dollars she spent to keep you in sober living for a year? And you just threw it all away. Damn you.

SO happy. My D is graduating with a ton of kudos from her school for her hard work, she has a great job waiting for her, sheā€™s going on a dream trip post graduation with her very nice SO and then sheā€™ll be home with us this summer for the first time in years. With so much bad news around I just want to tell the world that Iā€™m happy. Sometimes things work out well.

Quote from my 22 year old who was looking into buying tickets to a concert for me:
ā€œYou old people sure are willing to spend a lot of money to see someoneā€¦ā€
Made me laugh.

Pick a college any college just pick one

I spent half my first day off in 2 1/2 months cleaning and organizing the fridge because you sit at home all day and do nothing while Iā€™m working 12-14 hour days even when I specifically ask you to go through and find what was stinking in there. it felt so good to be able to get it done which was only possible because you were gone for the day and couldnā€™t second guess every old rotten thing I threw away. I even organised all your refrigerated medicine into one area so its easy to find. I managed to clear a small portion of the kitchen counter off. And clean it. Excited to see a surface because you canā€™t put anything away or clean up after yourself - ever.

I felt so good about all I achieved today - especially as i worked 215 hours April 1 through 15 and was so exhausted I wasnā€™t sure Iā€™d do anything but sleep.

Then you came home.

You went to Samā€™s in the city and bought way too much as usual. You just dump it all on the newly cleaned surface. I put away the stuff in the fridge because I donā€™t want all my work undone. Then the criticism begins. Whereā€™s my garlic. In the vegetable drawer. Well I knew where to find it where it was - What did you do with my empty medicine box. Threw it away - it was empty. Well I was going to use it for something. On and on. I commented maybe you could say something nice about how organized and clean the fridge instead of criticizing but no, you have to go on about your empty medicine box that was in the fridge. I walk off to the bedroom and shut the door. A few minutes later you follow me and I think maybe youā€™ll apologize. Maybe you would have (who am I kidding) but first you had to walk into the bathroom and complain I left the light on. I said ā€œyou just canā€™t stop yourself can you?ā€. And now Iā€™m the bad guy?

Instead of watching the ball game Iā€™d been looking forward to all day Iā€™ve gone to bed. Thank God youā€™re gone tomorrow. I think Iā€™d rather go to work Thursday than take the day off like I was planning. And the office is closed Friday for end of tax season holiday. But honestly, Iā€™d rather be there than here.

Well at least I should get a lot done at the office Friday Saturday and Sunday cause no one will be there.

Iā€™ve been divorced 23 years this month. I love being single. Just sayinā€™ā€¦

Not sure if Iā€™m happy to not be alone in the struggle or saddened when I hear of others stuck in a bad marriage. I guess both.

September 2020 will come.

I wish I had mastered the art of calling people out on their passive-aggressive behavior.

Plan to go fishing ,even if I have to go by myself this year.

Losing your keys was a problem that we had to deal with made more difficult by the time constraints but that didnā€™t bother me. What really annoyed me was that you created a whole scenario that included you giving the keys to me and implying I was the one who lost them. In fact, you were sure of it and quite mean about the whole thing. I knew I didnā€™t touch your keys, but that didnā€™t stop you from blaming me. You were more interested in blaming me than solving the problem but thatā€™s generally how things go. I was glad when the keys were eventually found by a 3rd (neutral) party in place where only you could have left them. I resisted saying I told you so but we both knew I was thinking. Iā€™m still waiting for you to apologize for your nasty behavior but that will never happen.

34 years ago, DH asked me to marry him, while we were paddling a canoe on Town Lake in Austin. We hadnā€™t even known each other three months. If any of my kids got engaged that fast, I would be furious. But itā€™s worked out OK for us. :slight_smile: