Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You ask me what time I want to leave. I say, “Around 4. Is that OK?” You say sure. Then, without a by your leave or a word to me, you decide it’s OK to hang around (getting in her way) until 5. When I say I want to go, now I’m the bad guy?

I wear my keys around my neck now a days. Misplaced them sometimes from myself. (smile)

I honestly don’t understand how you can spend that long using a leaf blower on your roof. Why not wait a few hours for the storm to blow through? That will do the job.

D is home for Easter. We are so happy to have her in the house. It’s been a bit lonely without her energy.

Can’t believe freshman year is almost done. It doesn’t seem possible that admission season drama was both “just” and “only” a year ago, at the same time. It seems like it was in a different lifetime but I still have a eye twitch thinking about it. Lol.

When I was applying for my residency I figured I’d better try two hospitals in case the local one didn’t come through. Was interviewed at one about an hour away that is very competitive because it has an excellent reputation for chaplain programs. I was accepted to the local program and it made more economic sense to stay in town rather than rent a room. Today I found out I could’ve gone to the better one - a real honor since I was one of five selected out of several dozen applicants. It feels good to have been wanted and sad I couldn’t swing it.

Told my husband who said “they must’ve had really bad applicants this year”.

Guess what? We are ALL busy. It’s really not just you.

Thank you, Sheldon.

It infuriates me that so many people claim disability status and get special privileges when they do not really need it. One example is the recent college admissions scandal in the news, where parents got healthy kids extra time on their tests. Another is that many of the single rooms available to sophomores at my kid’s college already have disappeared before the room lottery because so many people claimed disabilities requiring a single and were able to get one and pull three friends into their dorm with them.

I guess the reason it gets to me so much is that my own kid, who has an actual major medical disorder, refuses to take advantage of any of the perks because he wants to be just a normal kid.

I actually had to fight (successfully?) the College Board and his high school for him to have the right to take his exams in the gym with all his friends, WITHOUT separate location or extra time, while still being able to bring into the room with him what he needs to stay alive.

His take is that one part of his body does not function right but that his brain functions extremely well. He feels he needs no special treatment and can compete with everyone else on the same terms. His scores and grades support his argument!

He has a single during his freshman year of college, by luck and by expressed interest through the normal system. 60% of freshmen do. All juniors and seniors who want singles get them, but sophomore year there is a big chance of a double. The lottery for sophomore year has not happened yet, but it looks like my kid most likely will have a double… because he refused to ask for a special accommodation (and I won’t say his details because they might reveal his identity, but they certainly would convince any administrator that a single would be best), but a huge number of other kids asked for accommodations. Spouse and I had recommended earlier that he seek a housing accommodation, but he refused. Too late now.

At least, if he gets a double, he will get to share it with his best friend at college, a really awesome guy. Maybe it will be nice to share a room with a friend. After all, it is part of most kids’ college experiences at other colleges.

And I am proud as can be that he does so very well in life and manages his own care so independently and capably.

You really need to get a life - or some professional help.

So frustrating and potentially dangerous that you can have an long term affiliation with a major hospital, get a specialist referral for a serious issue (yet to be diagnosed), that is progressing rapidly and painful, and be told the next appointment is 2 and half months away. Even the primary can not facilitate it. Is nothing urgent in the medical field now? Sorry for all in this situation.

Funny how my plumber husband is everyone’s long lost best friend until he wants to pull a permit

Procrastination on your part does not create an emergency on mine.

I feel awful. I meant to give the nice Uber driver a 5 star rating, but accidentally gave him two stars.

Broken marriage, squandered youth, a profession that you don’t find rewarding, involvement in your kids romantic entanglements, displaced anger and lashing out, financial constraints…

I am sympathetic and sorry for your situation but overwhelmed. We have just met …let’s not overshare and all the best…Happy Easter.

Seems like salt is the favorite spice of the day.

Stop mansplaining! Just stop. It makes you look like an idiot, especially when the women in the room are much more competent than you are.

One child’s education is paid for. happy dance

Finally, some news and a rough timeline. I was beginning to think I hallucinated the whole thing. And it still might go south at the last minute, so I’m not sharing yet.

Words of advice to any HS students who are touring colleges; try to refrain from wearing a competing college’s sweatshirt or t-shirt. For example, was at Duke this week and several prospective students were wearing Wake Forest and UNC gear! (they obviously just purchased these the day before on those college tours). Have a little respect for each college and their students as they are opening up their campus to you for a few hours…

I really had hopes that it was nothing. Please don’t die.