Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You tell me you are passive, but a passive person does not use the word hate to describe another person we both know.

I paid $150 to have a professional take the caulk off our tub that my husband applied, and caulk it again. He said there’s a problem with our tub, and told us it would continue to be an issue. He was correct. Water was getting through, so husband re-caulked today, and it’s now a big, white, ugly mess (looks like finger paint all around the tub and the faucet in the tile). I just paid thousands to refresh one part of our bathroom, and chose not to replace the tub with a tile shower.
I think a tile shower is now in my future ($$$$, and I would have chosen differently to begin with if I realized how bad it was).

First really warm, rainy day here
 and the ticks are out and about. I went in the garden to right a bluebird box that had fallen over, and wasn’t properly outfitted in tick-resistant attire. I know it’s my imagination (I hope), but now I feel like things are crawling all over me. UGH.

I want to shake the kids/parents who complain about having been “only” accepted to school X. Don’t they know that is someone else’s dream school? Spare me your looking-down-my-nose-at-this-perfectly-good-school comments. You don’t realize how privileged you are. I know kids who would LOVE to have your “problem.”

Elon - shut up. Just do it.

I haven’t been on this thread since September. I came back today to write something and found my draft from September. It reads: "Take this job and shove it. " I did. This thread helped me to remember why. Hurray for me.

So many people are trying to help you - for free - yet you reject every single one of us convinced we are all out to get you and are the source of evil in the world. You blame everyone else for all that is going wrong telling us we just don’t understand. Did you ever think it just might not be the rest of the world around you that is wrong, but your own thoughts?

You’re about to lose everything and there was no reason for it to happen - absolutely none. I hate watching a train wreck happen and being helpless. I’m sorry dad that I didn’t agree to being your executrix. I’m kicking myself over and over again that I turned you down. What you were afraid of was correct. I was naive. I thought since I was willingly giving up anything you gave me in order to help out that she should at least do the work involved. I didn’t know she wouldn’t be able to.

I use it every single day. It wasn’t working perfectly and I didn’t care. I said just leave it because if we take it apart we won’t be able to put it back together. We took it apart. Now, we can’t put it back together. I have to wait until Tuesday when the new one I ordered comes. I can’t say I told you so, but it would have been better to just leave it alone. I could still have had a new one on Tuesday, but I would have something to use until then.

Why can’t people accept some imperfections on their middle aged body instead of going to excessive expense, method and perhaps a stroke of magic to try and fine tune an area of the body that is NOT the same as it was 30 years ago?

We’re so proud of you, and it’s gratifying to know that you are proud of us! We love your new apartment. I don’t know why I feel a little sad after such a fun visit. That’s the part I can’t/won’t say to you.

Never thought I would miss a hermit crab. Glad my daughter reclaimed him after 9 years but my office seems empty.

I can’t say this directly anyplace but here: D2 just thanked me for the sort of listening and advice she’d normally blow up about. She actually listened with her heart, not her defenses. (And all I did was support and encourage her.) This one moment is enough in case she reverts.

A true Easter miracle- my son took himself to church! Coincidentally, and unbeknownst to him, it was the historic Philadelphia church to which my grandparents took me as a young child.

I don’t even know what parents are thinking these days. In the past five hours I have heard the craziest stories of entitlement and over-attachment. If your kid wants to do study abroad then you need to be OK with all aspects, including the mandatory field trip to a continent that you find scary. No, the school is not going to make an exception for your darling. And why for God’s sake is it a thing for parents to attend/participate in prom? Just no.

I’ve been a part of this family for 40 years. We’ve been to weddings, funerals and countless parties together. You’ve been in and out of my house regularly. So why can’t you find a suitably personal birthday present for me? Dish towels from one SIL emblazoned with the wrong breed of dog; pool towels from other SIL when I’m the one who doesn’t swim. I have lots of interests that you know about (reading, cooking, yoga, gardening, wine!). This shouldn’t bother me but it does.

damn you, Easter candy.

When a kid comes on here looking for guidance, try to remember just that - she’s a kid. She’s vulnerable, confused, scared, uncertain - just a jumble of changing emotions. Try to refrain from comparing her to your perfect child. Try not to shame or insult. You don’t have to agree with her or baby her, but there is a right way and a wrong way to share an opinion. Maybe just try to be kind.

Damn you, grocery stores that were selling Easter candy today at 75% off.

I saved lots of money by the way

I wish you would both stop texting me and resolve this issue with your sibling. You are both old enough to figure out how to get along. And I can’t help when you are in Europe. You know I have a job and your sister is ill. Figure it out.

Just do it, damn it. Stop diddling around.