Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

As predicted, you called today and acted as if your outburst from 2 months ago never happened. I know, I know. Nothing is ever your fault.

The plastic sheeting and the signs telling you not to open windows mean DON’T OPEN THE WINDOWS. I understand that you are warm, or the room is a little stuffy, or whatever, but you can stand it for an hour or two. If that construction dust enters a room, we have to vacate and lock the room until the dust is confirmed to be free of hazardous materials. Do you really want to cancel your class for several days because you couldn’t follow simple directions?

Wow is all I can say. Huge issue and you are just so sorry. You turn around and did a mini version of it again just 36 hours later. Unbelievable and if/when I bring it up you will be oh so mystified.

I’m sitting in the library and two women nearby are talking about the costs of kids’ college. One woman is working two jobs and all the money goes to her one child’s college costs. The other doesn’t have enough money for groceries. She says she loves apples but her husband has told her they can’t afford apples anymore. Both seem to be intelligent, professional women but didn’t have a clue when their children were applying to colleges.

Even though it can be anxiety provoking, I’m so glad I found CC.

I told you. I told you. I told you. If you aren’t willing to pay, don’t let her apply. Just because one public university gave her merit money doesn’t mean they all will!! Yes, they give need-based aid even though they are a public, but you don’t qualify!! If you don’t qualify for need-based aid and you don’t want to pay, that’s fine! Nothing wrong with that - it’s your money. But, I told you it was going to be harder to tell her, “No,” after she was accepted. You can call financial aid all you want. It’s not going to change. Argh!

Stop barking. You are not a dog.

I made the mistake of telling my therapist that it drives me nuts when you bark. Now every freaking time you do it I hear her voice in my head saying “mentally healthy people do not do that” and it’s doubly annoying.

Hoping you contact me ASAP with the info I need!

Do you girls honestly think it’s ok to tell your “bestie” that you are going to prom with them, plan for months, and dress shop together and then decide 5 days before the event you don’t want to go? You told people who are not in the prom group that you were not going but not the actual person you are going with! By waiting until the last minute you gave my daughter no option to find another group and you didn’t even have the courtesy to tell her yourself, she had to find out through other people. Maybe you girls thought it was ok to just go to dinner and skip prom, but my daughter didn’t. You bullied her into agreeing to go to dinner and skip prom by your passive aggressive behavior. Thanks for ruining yet another fun senior year event and making my daughter cry. I’m so happy she is going far away for college. Trust me she will find better friends at college and forget all about you girls. I can’t believe I still have to plan and host a joint graduation party (with no help from either of your parents!), if we hadn’t sent out those invites already I would not allow you to join in on my daughter’s party.

I know you want this opportunity. You are a smart, ambitious, young woman. But, I have looked at the bios for the people who receive this fellowship, and I truly don’t think you are in range. You have the grades, but you are not coming out of the typical elite institution that they seem to prefer. You don’t have anywhere close to the caliber of experiences, work, and leadership that most recipients have. I know you believe that the fellowship is God’s plan for you and that you believe that has been confirmed to you many times. I admire your faith - I do. But, I don’t think you would undermine that by looking at some plan B options while you simulataneously pursue what you want. I do think you should try, but I fear you are going to be devastated. And if you haven’t considered other possibilities, you are going to find yourself scrambling.

A few years ago CC’s helped me with a friendship/girls weekend dilemma. Another girls weekend looms, I’m invited and not only declined but sought out other things I would much rather do. Also re read the supportive thread and just so appreciative of the comments!

So you told me the estimate of your attorney’s fee would be $1,000 to $2,000 to write up a road association agreement. Our neighborhood picked you based on that estimate. I was the one who recommended you. Now your agreement letter says $3,000 to $5,000! What the heck?

I am done. Nobody else on our road is pulling their weight and it keeps falling on me. I’m not doing anything else in the future. Period.

Egads. Trying to translate into English someone’s really, really bad English translation of a French document. Just shoot me.

I know you think you have to, but it would probably be better if you didn’t

But then of course you wouldn’t be “right.”

When D2 sends you a link to the graduation photo session she took with her longtime roommates, 4 days before graduation and you cry ALL kinds of tears!!!

I know you’re a good person, I know you are kind and generous but dang it, why do you have to take over every meeting and make it the " show"??? It drives me insane. And it drives me away. I can only take you in small doses, it seems.

I’m an idiot. Took me half an hour to figure out where the batteries go in my Logitech keyboard for my iPad. :confused:

Ugh, have to hold my tongue so often on CC, not to post, “Oh, please, get some perspective. It really ISN’T the end of the world. I KNOW what the end of the world is.”

I will never buy land on a private road again. :frowning:

Self-care took on a whole new meaning today
 I spent an hour this afternoon sitting in a pile of hay with a dozen newborn baby kids (goats). They all wanted to climb on me and snuggle. Baby goat kisses
 pure bliss! I shall skip the therapist and the massage therapist for the time being, and just go sit in the barn. :slight_smile:

To the special ed teacher who told us not to hold our son back in 1st grade because he would need a one-on-one aide all through high school regardless of what we did with him. You told us one year would make no difference in his life. Well, it made a huge difference. He is now in 5th grade and is the top math student in his class. He reads at a 7th grade level. He hasn’t had or needed an aid in 3 years. Yes, he had some developmental delays when he was younger but you had no diagnosis or proof that he would always be behind in school.