Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Yes, the bartenders call you “ten cent guy.”. No, I am not going to explain it to you. After 2 years you should be able to figure this out.

Sometimes it’s just better not to read the things you know are going to piss you off. I’m not sure if it’s maturity or cowardice but it’s the best choice regardless.

I feel like Snoopy, doing a happy dance!

Your " Let them eat cake" attitude may be a little more effective if you threw cake from that high horse that you’re sitting on .

Grr, you never show up at neighborhood meetings, even though you are on the Board of Selectmen and could contribute a lot. Then you ask me to send you documents I’ve already emailed everyone. Please get your act together. The other 12 households are pulling together nicely, at long last. We need 100% participation, though, to get the road association formalized. :frowning:

Maybe, just maybe, the three of you are at each others’ throats because you miss your parents so much, and you all have different ways of dealing with that. Still, two facts remain:

  1. The squabbling over who is going to do what will not bring your parents back to life.
  2. The sale of the house is going to close next week whether you are emotionally ready for that or not.

And I can’t do anything, because you know, “lord help the mister/who comes between me and my sister!”

Yes, we know that you think that Tufts is the best university in the country but your endless boosterism of the school is laughable.

I can’t stand being so far away when her heart is broken. Virtual hugs aren’t the same. Please let her find someone soon who makes her feel like he did but treats her the way she deserves to be treated.

When you notice that something isn’t quite right immediately after it’s been installed, call the installer to come back and fix it. Messing with it yourself both made it much worse and voided the warranty.

So I send out all my little birds yesterday, forms requesting a certain seal, and I send checks with all of them except two. There were two places that accepted credit card, so I wrote down my number on those forms and thought it was great, that they would be processed faster.

Woke up this morning to find that that particular card had been exposed to fraud and cancelled! OK, New York and New Jersey Departments of State, how easy or not will it be to contact you by telephone and untangle this knot?

So far, not…

It is extremely unwise to bite the hand that feeds you. How much longer do you think you can behave like this before you lose all support? For someone who thinks they are so smart, you sure are dumb.

What a difficult and whirlwind week you’ve had. First the unexpected but happy news that you are expecting. Then immediate concern there’s a problem. Now after a week of doctors and tests confirmation it is ectopic and having to deal with that. Hoping the meds work and don’t make you feel too awful physically on top of the emotional distress and you can avoid surgery. I’m heartbroken for you ? both - wish there was something profound I could say to make it feel better and that we weren’t so far away. It’s hard to see your kid and his wife go through something so difficult - feel so helpless.

No, Rachel, I don’t need you to get me a lower interest on my credit card accounts. So, stop calling!

That brought tears to my eyes. So sorry to hear that.

I think we may have all just avoided an awfully awkward situation. I hope you can see it that way soon also, but then you may already. Just wish I knew how you really are with all of it.

Andrew “AJ” Freund - I’m so sorry. I just feel like everyone failed you. It’s always too late isn’t it? Talk of change, cracks in the system, new “policy “ - I don’t pretend to have answers, but I know you died scared and alone at the hands of people you loved and that breaks my heart. You tried to get help, but no one listened.

Calvary and cavalry are NOT the same thing - please get it right. Even the War College is using the wrong word on video, really this is embarrasing!

Hey, boss. I decided a couple weeks ago that I am going to quit. Do you think you might give me the time of day so I can actually tell you?

The world got very small today when we learned that a friend lost her oldest and dearest friend in the horrific synagogue shooting in Poway. And then to learn that the deadly crane collapse in Seattle was only blocks from where DS works. Don’t quite know how to process this.

Hey tall couple in front of us at the theater: did it ever occur to you that when you lean on each other or put your head on each other’s shoulders or lean over to whisper to each other constantly during the show that the people behind you cannot see? You are not transparent or inaudible. You are rude.