Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Attended a school concert on behalf of a friend who was sick… her kid had a major solo part. I was impressed by the campus and performance space, and truly blown away by these ridiculously talented high schoolers… they performed jazz standards like a professional ensemble. They clearly had music in their souls! I was NOT impressed, however, by their teacher. During the concert, he constantly moved throughout the audience, randomly stopping and blocking parents who were trying to record it. And he inexplicably stood about five feet from the stage, dead center, just staring at the stage and completely blocking the soloists from the entire audience… during two selections. (He wasn’t conducting.) Everyone in the audience looking at one another like “what the heck…?” I had to send my friend a video of the guy’s back, accompanied by her beautiful kid’s beautiful voice. Sheesh.

Worse yet, I was nearby as he spoke with some parents and grandparents afterward. He responded to their rave reviews by basically taking all the credit… “ well, I’VE been spending so much time working with them”, etc. and talking about his lofty experience and qualifications! How about “Thank you for coming, yes, weren’t they fantastic? They’ve worked so hard; I’m so proud of my students”. You gave the death stare to the grandparent who gently suggested that you must not have realized you were blocking the soloists… You, sir, are a dolt… and I have a feeling those talented kids put on an amazing show in spite of you, rather than because of you.

Scotch broom and buttefly bush are not “pretty” or “purple and gold go Huskies.” They are invasive species, and I will pull every single one I can reach. So no, I will not leave them alone.

So many people with opinions about what the owner should do with that property. Guess what. It’s not yours, and it’s none of your business. Unless and until you people want to purchase the parcel from the owner, you have no right to it or to dictate what should be done with it.

Can we please stop making judgements about professions we’ve never held a job in? If you’ve never done it you don’t know what it entails. Period.

You just bought a $80K car and $3K handbag but you think spending money for elite colleges is stupid and shallow. May be but not as stupid as your payments for plastic surgery.

I found out yesterday that my nine-month old goddaughter has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. We all knew that her development wasn’t going well, and now we know why.

Her mother is a saint. Truly, the best person that I know. We will be there for them and support them in any way that we can.

But, you have to wonder: if there really is some kind of deity out there, how truly twisted he/she must be. Good people don’t deserve this.

So you think folks will recycle water boxes…when they didn’t recycle water bottles? Really?

My heart is broken, and I don’t even know you. You’re 11 and lost your mother to suicide six months ago. Then this weekend, with you in his car, your dad hit and killed a mother of four. He’s been charged with DUI. I just want to scream.

I’ve posted this before on this thread, but I’m feeling the need to say it again.

Regardless of what you are posting on FB, unless your kid was a recruited athlete who signed an NLI or received an LL, s/he did not “commit” to a particular college. S/he simply made a choice among the schools where s/he was accepted. S/he is not Zion Williamson.

Do not, I repeat, do not try to out passive-aggressive me. I was born difficult and I trained with the best. Save your ridiculous games for the people who are in your office.

It’s a shame you are so heavy handed. Take a step back and think if it is really necessary.

You were such a happy child. When did you turn so cranky??

I wish I knew how your phone interview went for the company you really want to work for. But since it’s the middle of the night for you I guess I won’t know for a while! I really hope it went well and you move on to whatever the next step is. I know you’re so frustrated that you’re not hearing back from places but I’m confident you’ll get a job. Enjoy what you’re doing now - I’m glad you decided to stay after your program and travel around more since it will probably be a long time before you get back to that area of the world again. Just keep working at your job search and hopefully you’ll land something!

Why on earth would you encourage him to take out an extra $120,000 in debt to attend Med School A over equally-highly-ranked Med School B??? Just because A is out of state and private, and you think that’s somehow better? Your ignorance doesn’t give you a free pass to sabotage other people’s futures. THANK GOD he asked for more opinions. You are a terrible, stupid “friend.”

(Shoutout to CC for giving me the tools to undo the damage this person did… I sat down with the student and worked through loan repayment calculators to show him that the more expensive school would require 28 years of payments vs. 11 for the cheaper school. Oy vey.)

If someone’s about to throw up and yells for you to bring a bucket DO NOT bring a KFC bucket. It really adds to the misery. ???

Seriously? You’re telling me how awful ____ is with their spending and how they don’t live within their means by buying things they can’t afford in the same conversation that you’re wondering if you can inherit a house and half an estate while keeping it “safe” from your current second (at least) bankruptcy proceeding - most of which is due to maxed out store and credit cards? You squawk about their not paying rent and “using” people. How many landlords have you stiffed over the years? I can count at least four.

How can you condemn someone who’s doing the same thing you do (though I haven’t heard of any bankruptcy on their end…)? Pot meet kettle! But seriously, how in the world do you not see it? You’re a college grad - there has to be some intelligence in there somewhere! And he’s your boy. Who taught him how to handle money anyway?

How long can I bite my tongue to keep the peace (sigh)? Dad, I promise, I’m trying. Hopefully wherever you’re at, you can see that. We’re doing what we can to try to give them both something to their names. Once they have it, actually keeping it is out of our hands though. Use your spirit to whisper some financial knowledge into their ears because words out loud apparently only apply to other people.

What a pathetic weasel.

Thinking of all of you, with hope in my heart.

Unbelievable! Stupid NY DMV sent us a suspension order on an expired plate of our car that mom re-registered in NC because we “didin’t have insurance” even though we had All-State the entire time! It ate up 5 hours of my morning because my mom was off to work and I had to juggle between my agent and the dealer. Thank heaven that the dealer was eager to help.

You chose the wrong offer. I know.