<p>lablondie your like hardcore with your Bible camp. Its like band camp except cooler I'm guessing. Are you really religious?</p>
<p>in dance i was running around barefoot and my heel landed on this girl's superlong toenail and then blood spurted all over the floor. and now i have a macho scar. -_-</p>
<p>If by super religious you mean I haven't been to church since Christmas, but read my bible every night, then sure. I just have a lot of friends that go to camp with me, and we always end up doing crazy, memorable things. It's hard to forget playing 'Whip & Strip' at bible camp...</p>
<p>Not that it's a scar, but I have a still-fresh bruise from smashing my finger with a car door... it locked too.</p>
<p>Mmm, it's still throbbing. </p>
<p>And once, I tried to cut cardboard with a fresh razor, but I was too lazy to use the table so I tried slicing up the board in the air. Anyyyyway, it ended up slicing my finger instead (not off, though).</p>
<p>Ah, it was so priceless seeing my best friend turning green from the blood squirting. No visible scar, though.</p>
<p>But it totally was not priceless being in a hotel room at three in the morning with no contact to first aid/an adult whatsoever.</p>
<p>Forehead: Big pot hole from chicken pox when I was little
Wrist: I have a scar on it from the time my hand went through the window. It had snowed outside and I was pushing the door to get it open but the snow had piled up against the door and I pushed it and my hand went through the window. There was actually two very deep holes in my wrists and I did not even bleed that much (thanks to Boy Scouts... apply pressure and raise arm up). My college guidance counselor thought it was cool when I showed it to her.</p>