<p>So, who has some cool battle wounds? Scar stories are fun.</p>
<p>I don't have very many, only about five even worth mentioning.</p>
<p>1) knee: tripped over a hurdle in track
2) chin: broke my chin open on a hardwood floor when I was about 5
3) knuckle: one day I decided to see if scissors could cut skin...
4) forearm: tackled a (hot) boy at bible camp while playing 'Bedlam Ball,' I earned the name 'the girl who tackled Micah'
5) upper leg/lower hip: slipped (and fell) on some sand while playing 'Whip & Strip' at bible camp</p>
<p>Left Shoulder: Biking 25mph + downhill on a freeway...piece of rubber thing...messed up the path of my front wheel...landed on my wrist/shoulder. My wrist was a bit jammed, hurt for about a week. Shoulder went numb slightly limp but nothing serious. Couldn't lift it for like 1.5 weeks. Hurts occasionally like a light pain almost inside...</p>
<p>This was a bike trip for my Boy Scouts thing btw...We were taking a 25 mile bike trip. Don't know who the hell put that freaking freeway on the map, though.</p>
<p>or that long rubber piece of tube, for that matter.</p>
<p>Hand: tore off some skin while falling off a bike going almost 30; also put a knife in the hand while carving a piece of wood
Arm: thorn tore inside arm during a baseball game
I still am not as bad as a freshman who crashed into the supports of a bridge on a bike going at least 35-he had 28 stitches to show for it</p>
<p>lol mine are from really dumb stuff when i was little</p>
<p>chin: cut it open jumping over the edge of the pool backwards at my b-day party
under lower lip & on palm: was trying to climb out of the car when i was little and fell?? i dont remember
knees: fell off my bike</p>
<p>I have a huge scar on my left index finger from when I was making a lava lamp in my room. And I almost cut my finger off, but didn't want to tell my parents (they didn't know about the whole lava lamp thing)...so it didn't heal right without stitches and now is a big scar. </p>
<p>Also have a big scar near my achilles tendon. I was breaking a board a couple years ago for taekwondo, and there was a staple in the board that went into my achilles tendon. It kinda hurt...haha, it actually a hurt a lot.</p>
<p>Arm: from playing pussy, a game where two people stick their forearms together and drop a lit ciggarette between them, who ever pulls away the first is the pussy and I won. Except I got a really big scar from it.</p>
<p>Left Hand: Finger has a scar running threw it from when I cut myself with a hobby knife trying to build a model car (I stopped after I cut myslef)
Right Hand: Almost cut my thumb off with a measuring tape, was hanging on
Eyebrow: Ice skating got some stiches
Head: Went to sleep when I was like 5 and fell of and hit a table
Back: Running back from the net to get a lob and fell backwords, skid from the service line to like 3 ft behind the base line</p>
<p>Back of my head, I have a small scar that's only visible when my hair is short. When I was younger, I was getting out of a picnic table (there were actually two picnic tables next to each other) and I slipped, and hit my head on the other picnic table. About 10 staples later, I now have a scar.</p>
<p>On my left hand, my ring finger has a chunk of meat missing with a scar left behind. When i was really young, at some random zoo in Colorado, I tried to feed a lion some bread (back then all they had between me and the lion was a cage). So I stuck my hand in and went to feed the lion, and my dad ran over to pull me away, but not before the lion got a nice piece of my finger and my finger nail. My mom said the doctors said my nail wouldn't grow back, but its there and you can barely tell that anything's wrong unless I show ya.</p>
<p>Heh. Picnic Tables.
Once, at my grandmas there were a bunch of us eating lunch ro something outside at a picnic table. My grandma came to sit down to eat with us, but... then the picnic table bench fell over. Oops.</p>
<p>I had my toenail fall of at bible camp once. Everything happens at bible camp.</p>