Scholarship Applications

<p>Does anyone else feel that the scholarship applications for WUSTL are a little too involved? I'm quite interested in the school, and I know that there isn't any extra supplement, but having to write four short answers, a long essay, an additional essay (for Compton and Moog), submit two teacher recommendations, etc. is quite a lot for just the scholarship applications. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>If you get the scholarship, you can get full or half tuition for a good chunk of them.</p>

<p>Stop complaining.</p>

<p>Word. If anything, the scholarship applications are quite lenient.</p>

<p>You’re writing a few essays to potentially win tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars.</p>

<p>Yeah, I just sort of realized lol</p>

<p>You don’t want to pass up these apps, just because “they’re quite involved”. The application form is easy so you can spend your time and effort on these scholarship applications.</p>

<p>Think of the resources that you’re receiving in return if you get the scholarship - a free flight to St. Louis from wherever you live, four years of tuition (~$150,000), mentorship and support from busy professors, deans, and other administration, a great support system from the other scholars, a $2,500 stipend, various retreats and service trips, free dinners…and so much more.</p>

<p>It’s in the best interest of the school to make the scholarship applications a little more “involved”. If you really feel the application is too much extra work to handle, you’re probably not cut out for the scholarship program. And furthermore, they need/deserve a little more information about you than just the common app if they’re gonna offer you $60,000 - $200,000. Ideally, the effort will pay off!</p>

<p>Think of it this way: With a very simplified common app, the scholarship application is their opportunity to get to know the candidates and it can’t be too easy. I work in advertising, and when we budget for coupons, and we know that not all those coupons would be redeemed. Well, it’s kinda like that with the scholarship. Not everyone will be working on the scholarship and following up as they intend. It’s just human nature. We get busy. But if it was important enough to you, then you’d do it.</p>