<p>I was accepted in early October and haven't heard anything from the scholarship committee yet. I want to enroll next week, but would enrolling affect my chances of receiving any merit scholarships?</p>
<p>you don’t have to enroll until May 1. There is no advantage to enrolling now.</p>
<p>there’s an advantage to housing options this early though, I really want to live in towers and those fill up first</p>
<p>Unless they have changed procedures for this year, you don’t get an advantage for housing if you enroll early. Everyone has the same chance for Towers as they don’t assign housing until after the enrollment deadline passes so no need to send in enrollment $$ early.</p>
<p>oh okay, i was under the impression that it was first come, first serve</p>
<p>maybe i should rephrase my question though, would there be a DISADVANTAGE to my enrolling now as far as scholarships are concerned?</p>
<p>Sorry I can’t answer your question, but why take the chance? If I were in admissions and I knew you were going to enroll anyway, I would be tempted to save the scholarship for someone else I want to attract.
They do not assign housing until later - has nothing to do with when you enroll.</p>
<p>Not to my knowledge. Scholarship committee and admissions committee aren’t the same people (that’s why Scholarships are only decided on Fridays I believe).</p>