Scholarship/Financial Aid Deadline

<p> this Friday. Does this mean have it postmarked by Friday or it all has to be recieved by Friday? I just realized that you aren't automatically considered (cause the other schools I applied to you got automatically considered for scholarships) and now I'm rushing to get them done. I'll hopefully send them out on Thursday, so will that be OK?</p>

<p>Where are you seeing this? I can't find anything that gives a due date. I would assume it is supposed to be postmarked by Friday like most of the other contracts and forms due.</p>

<p>on the L&S scholarship website</p>

<p>Scholarships</a> | Student Academic Affairs</p>

<p>According to the website:
"All incoming freshmen completed applications must be received by February 15, 2008"</p>

<p>alright thanks, I'm having my transcript and rec overnightted and submitting my app tonight...hopefully everything works out</p>

<p>When I chatted with UW they told me "received by Friday" although they were willing to take a fax of mid year grades</p>