<p>Okay so I was accepted today (or rather on the 8th, got the letter today) as part of the "select number" of applicants notified early of admission. I was planning on applying to the both the Ervin public service application and the Pathfinder sustsainability fellowship. Everything's due on the 15th right?</p>
<p>Is that submitted or received? I mean I can't imagine them turning down a person more imminently qualified for a scholarship just because the materials are a day or two late. I don't want to sound presumptuous or arrogant, but I think my sustainability-based public service record was a HUGE part of my early acceptance, I mean I'll still be chugging away at the apps, but how pressing is the deadline?</p>
<p>Better start chugging. January 15th is the RECEIVED BY date. It says it on the application. This would not be true for most schools, but it’s sad truth for Wash U;I remember my son having a similar time crunch with them last year.</p>
<p>wait-- so, the transcripts are supposed to be received by then too?
what if you are still waiting for hte confirmation letter after the pre application?
oh god— i’m having a migraine.</p>
<p>If Wash U has already received the scholarship recs I mailed, then is it ok to submit the essays online on the 15th (or does it take some time to process it online to count as received)?</p>
<p>So does that mean if I submitted the scholarship apps online, could I finish that ON Jan. 15, or they have to be recieved online by WashU on the 15?</p>
<p>wait, so everything for each scholarship application except the recs is submitted online, right? The essays and all? I havent gotten to part two of the online scholarship app yet and im suddenly very unsure…</p>
<p>Oh crap!!! I though it was submitted by! I don’t even have all my teacher recs collected yet…I was going to do the essays tommorow night too : (</p>
<p>Guess I’ll have to slug through everything super quickly tonight and do super priority mail tommorow after school.</p>
<p>sorry for the bump, but i’ve the same question as schwincity. does is take a while to process anything we submit online, or is it ok if we submit stuff on the 15th? yes…i’m cutting it close…:/</p>
<p>Well since you guys are a bunch of lazy seniors I took the initiative and called them today. They said its ok to turn in the scholarship stuff online tomorrow.</p>
<p>I dropped off Ds Danforth application at the post office early on Thursday, January 8. I called that office again today and the guy who answered the phone told me that he could not verify that it had been processed yet because they have been deluged with the applications. I really suspect that if your’s appears a day or two late it will not matter.
My only recourse is to scan the copy she made and email it to them as a backup to the original.</p>
<p>I’m confused…is there a way to submit the Danforth Scholars app online? I can’t find it, but if there’s a way I feel like that’s a surer bet than hoping that they receive my package in time.</p>