Scholarships to cover travel costs?

you have to back the workstudy $2500 from your package,because you have not found a work study job and earned this money yet. this means your package is $58, 354. direct cost are $59,444

You do realize that you need $545 to pay this term’s billable expenses? There is a gap between $58,354 and the direct cost of $59,444. Emory factored in approx $3600 to cover your travel, books and misc stuff. How do you plan to make this work? An outside scholarship will not help your cause; you will have to report it to the school and it will be come a wash as Emory will deduct if from their institutional monies.

If your loan is available, you need to contact your FA office ASAP, to find out if you can take out the loan to fil in your gap. Perhaps they can front you some money from this loan to pay for your plane ticket.

Have your sister pay your air fare. Problem solved.

If your sister can’t pay you enough to buy your plane ticket, you need to graciously get out of free babysitting for her.

@sybbie719 Actually it’s about 274 for this term (costs are 29,452 and aid is 29,178) but yes regardless I will need to take out a loan to cover this cost. I could actually pay it with money I have saved but I’m not sure which is the best way to go since I could pay off the debt with work study no? Anyway, when exactly do students usually find out when they can get federal student loans? Or is this something that’s different for everyone/I should just call the FA office?

While you may be able to pay next term’s billed expense by saving your work study funds, you have to pay this term’s money by the due date. what are you going to do about books and school supplies, which you will need for the first day of class? Yes, you need to contact the FA office immediately if you need a loan as you will have to do the on-line loan counseling and sign promissory notes . Also ask how long will it take to process the loan or you won’t be going to Emory unless your sister and brother-in law buys you a plane ticket.

It is very difficult to find scholarships to cover all your personal expenses so most students have to work during the summers. For lists of outside scholarships, check your high school websites, local civic groups, the college FA office. You are correct that they are even more difficult to find for those past high school graduation. See if your department at school has some. But again, these may reduce your award from Emery because schools that meet financial need expect you to work for some of the funds. Many people would rather babysit for their sister or take care of an aunt, but the school is not going to expand their financial aid for those who choose to do so.

My kids didn’t earn $3000 this summer and they are going to have to do something about it (spend less, work during the school year). It wasn’t that they just sat around, one worked at a girl scout camp that didn’t pay much, the other painted her grandmother’s house and helped with a lot of other odd jobs. Both good things to do, just don’t pay much. Their schools didn’t give them one red cent extra for having good intentions and helping others.

@sybbie719 Yes I understand, however I meant I could cover this terms cost with money I already have saved, however I wonder if it is better to do that or use loans to cover that cost and then pay it off once I get my work study.
As for books and supplies I will likely use loans for that (although I already have supplies taken care of).
Ahh ok I’ll call them as soon as I can (they’re unfortunately 3 hours ahead of me so they’re already closed so I’ll just call tomorrow). Anyway, thank you very much for your responses! You’ve been the most helpful so far.

@twoinanddone So then it wouldn’t be worth it to seek outside scholarships since Emory would reduce my FA? Is this guaranteed to happen? I called in a scholarship of about $700 fairly late in the summer and it didn’t seem to reduce my FA.

Also to make a final clarification for everyone asking why my sister doesn’t pay me or why she doesn’t get anyone else to do it, it is a bit of a personal matter but trust me payment is not really an option right now and no one else can do it for free during the summer. Please understand that she is family and isn’t just trying to get some free labor just because she’s cheap or something. Even though I won’t get paid I am happy to help her out when she needs me. This is why I was asking if there were travel cost scholarships, if her paying me or getting another job were feasible options I would have done so.

Are you working for your sister 24/7? If not, get a job a couple of nights a week or on weekends. You wouldn’t be the first student who needed to work two jobs.

Different schools have different rules about the outside scholarships. You are going to have to ask at Emery. A student a few months ago said Harvard allowed $5-6k in outside grants and scholarships before reducing its own aid. Other schools it is dollar for dollar. It is up to each school because it is their money.

I understand about family and obligations, especially if you include cultural obligations.
I also understand how expensive it is to raise a child, but she HAS to give you something in return.

You need to talk to her and tell her that you HAVE to go to school. It is your FULL-TIME job.

She needs to understand that. You need to reiterate that you don’t have money to get to your school so, either she pays towards your plane ticket, or you have to find a job at your school next summer, such that you won’t be able to fly home to babysit.

Some schools let you board at the university for “free” if you agree to clean the dorm rooms (they pay you for cleaning them). That’s what a former student of mine did, at Harvard, to avoid using her money on plane fare.

If she really cares about you and your future, she will put aside, at least $20 per week, for you to buy that Southwest ticket.

GD- you sound like a wonderful young person and I know you are going to do great things with your education.

I have seen a lot of situations where a kid coming from a family without a lot of financial resources gets derailed at college due to family issues and conflicting loyalties and trying to be a super college student while trying to be a super family member.

I think the other posters are trying to suggest that it would be a shame if this happened to you. Which is why the idea that you can’t get a summer job next year (like virtually every college kid in America who has a self-help component has to do, like it or not) is jumping out at people as an issue.

I’m sure your sister has issues and your willingness to help is a huge load off her mind (and very handy financially). But you need to step back and recognize that like it or not, your family is going to have expectations and demands of you for the next four years, and many times you will have to say no to them. You simply cannot afford to for-go summer earnings, even with your extremely generous and fantastic aid package. You need your savings right now to provide a financial cushion once you get on campus until your work-study checks start to come in. And the same situation will kick in next August, and the one after that, and the one after that. You might have an opportunity to study abroad- with a scholarship to cover fees and expenses. But you won’t be able to work overseas (most of the time, work visas are hard to get) so your savings will need to go even further the next semester when you are back on campus.

Perhaps you can have a sit down with a couple of family members (individually) and explain to them that although you’ve got an absolutely terrific aid package, there is a significant self-help piece to it. You will need to work on campus all 8 semesters- which of course makes sense. And there is a sum of money you will be required to earn over the summer in order to bridge the gap between the cost of your education and what you can pay. And so you would appreciate their understanding that for you it’s not optional to get a paying job or not- it’s what will keep you in college until you finish your degree.

Best case you can get $100 from the local garden club and $300 from the Rotary club, which pays for your plane ticket this time. But those awards are not renewable, which means that you’re stuck next time.

I know how conflicted you must feel between wanting to help out your sister and the need for cash. But your situation is a lot more common than you think, and many times, the family wins out. I’ve seen kids leave college over- quite literally- $500. Parents are overdrawn at the bank plus owe back taxes and are two mortgage payments late. Kid takes a leave of absence, goes back to the old high school job bagging groceries or folding sweaters at the Gap and saves the day… kid hands paycheck over to Mom and Dad. Which is quite wonderful and fantastic… and that’s what family is for. But long term, how much better to be a college graduate who can really help your family. But one problem leads to another and before you know it- bye bye college, maybe in a few years when things at home stabilize and everyone is more flush financially.

You will never be in a better spot to start and finish college. You’ve got no dependents, no mouths to feed, no pediatrician co-pay to worry about. Go to college and don’t look back.

You have a poly sci and law school interest. So, does this mean that you won’t pursue any summer internships that will help with your career and law school goals?

Do you expect to get into a good law school by claiming that you spent your summers babysitting your niece/nephew? You’re going to be competing with other applicants who spent their summers doing things that enhanced their applications.

How much will a plane ticket cost…let’s say $500. There is NO WAY your sister can get a better bargain than $500 for a full summer of child care. So ask if she can pay you that amount only.

OR plan to work on the weekends or evenings in the summers…at say, a restaurant…almost anywhere. That should net you $500 for a plane ticket.

What is the breakdown of the cost of attendance? There maybe opportunities to save money while at school so that money could be available for travel expenses. Schools often high ball the cost of books and living expenses. Our D spent about half the amount they allotted. There are places you can purchase your books more cheaply than at the university book store.

There are ways of reducing your living costs as well. My D volunteered to usher at shows which allowed her to see a lot of free shows at school. Universities have a number of events each year where there might be free food. Avoid going out to restaurants and bars (not supposed to be there anyway) and do things at school club events and in your dorm. I believe my D spent about $400 total in “living expenses” during her freshman year (granted we went shopping for non-perishables when ever she came home. If there are gifts you might receive from family members apply that towards travel expenses. Finally, though it might be lonely, don’t travel as much. See if you can find a friend to spend Thanksgiving with. Good luck and congratulation on the fantastic opportunity.