One of the schools where my D was accepted but decided not to attend asked her to remove them from her FAFSA and add the school where she’s decided to go. I thought that was a very strange and unnecessary request. (??)
It happens that this school was a late last-minute addition, so we submitted a “corrected” FAFSA removing all the other schools and adding this one. I know we didn’t really need to remove all the other schools, but since we weren’t making any changes in the numbers, I thought it would prevent the other schools from being prompted unnecessarily since they already had downloaded the info they needed.
Do we really need to do as this school instructed and submit another corrected FAFSA?
are you saying yoir FAFSA info is identical? If so, the school where your daughter is attending already has it.
If you aren’t sure, call that school and ask.
I can’t see any reason to remove the other school.
Yeah that’s what I’m saying! Ok I thought it was a bizarre request, given what I thought I understood about how the FAFSA works. The school she’s attending definitely already has it, because they’ve already given us financial aid based on it!
I was wondering if the other school was just asking us to do it for their own convenience to assist with administrative processes on their end.
@kelsmom any idea about this?
I wonder if they thought you had only applied to them (only one school listed) and wanted to make sure you were going to get aid at your school of choice?
That’s a good point, @“Erin’s Dad” - but I thought they couldn’t see the other schools anymore? Maybe they can see the other schools, but not the order?
You are absolutely correct. They can’t see OTHER schools. But they do see theirs…and they KNOW you kid isn’t matriculating at their school. So maybe they want to be sure the right school IS getting the form.
I don’t know why they asked you to do that - it’s an odd request. You can safely ignore it, though. It’s a little hard to remove the only school on that FAFSA transaction!