school fits my personality well, can i get in though?

<p>i'm pretty set on wharton ed but my 2nd school would be Stanford and im wondering how i would fare, if i could get in and such. any input is appreciated</p>

<p>sats: 2240 ( 1470 math and cr)
sat II's: bleh 710 math 780 spanish 660 u.s
act: takin in october
gpa: 96/100
courseload: 12 ap classes, all rest honors basically
rank: top 5 percent of 450
location: long island, white</p>

<p>ecs( just the most important)</p>

<p>senior class president
national honor society president
wall street investors club president
spanish honor society president
editor for newspaper ( not main editor)
comittee position in model un club
captain of fed challenge(economics) team</p>

<p>bunch of honors ' best business student in school' but nothing really special</p>

<p>started my own record company. i manage some local bands, work on their album, pressing, promotion and such as well as myself i am a musician ( hip hop blah if u dont like it haha)</p>

counselor: glowing
teachers: will say one of best student in _____ years</p>

<p>come on, i didnt write that much</p>

<p>psh. you'll probably get into wharton ed. so don't worry about it. </p>

<p>by the way, for UPENN you have to apply to their different schools seperately? werid</p>

<p>well its a university, the college (sas) is a different school than the engineering or nursing or wharton so yeah</p>

<p>You'll probably get into Wharton. Your numbers are decent, EC's are very strong (you show a lot of leadership and passion for business) and that record company's quite an impressive hook. You have a good chance for Stanford as well, although you can never be sure, especially during the RD round.</p>

<p>appreciate it forever, i would love to go to wharton, but if i wasnt so focused on business my #1 would probably be stanford( although i realize you can major in econ at stanford and prolly still have a lot of the same opportunities at wharton grads, ive just invested a lot of time into penn haha) thanks yall</p>

<p>Stanford also has a major called Management Science & Engineering, which, although it's technically an engineering major, it's very similar to an undergraduate business program. Students take courses in econ, investment science, finance, etc. You should definitely look into that if you're interested in business.</p>

<p>interesting, ill look into it mos def, but i really have no interesting in engineering, science is a weakpoint for me</p>

<p>I've heard stanford doesn't consider SAT II's as seriously as other elite schools, so that works in your favor. I think you have a good shot.</p>

<p>Well, actually, there isn't that much science involved (just a basic requirement, but I believe Wharton has a science requirement as well). It's considered an engineering major because it's very math-oriented, but then again, so is Wharton. It seems like a popular alternative to an undergrad business program.</p>

<p>I don't think you'll get in. I'd say you have a 13% chance.</p>

<p>appreciate the response</p>