<p>yeah but which really matters more SAT/SAT 2s or 4 years of high school work? I mean, I do great in standardized tests but my HS grades aren't fantastic. On the other hand, we have a pretty competitive school and science stream students like myself suffer more because people in other streams have their marks scaled up to science standards even though their absolute scores are lower which obviously does nothing for my rank.
So what will they give more weightage- my test scores or my class rank?</p>
<p>test scores no doubt. If that was explained by ur GC, then there's no need to worry.</p>
<p>Im pretty worried for one more reason. Students from my school go to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, but nobody has ever gone to princeton. Its just weird. Truckloads go to stanford, but nobody ever to Pton. so when they look up the file for aceptees from my school, they'l see nothing to compare my scores with, to show the level of my school.</p>
<p>Look on the bright side. Maybe you'll be the first person :) </p>
<p>Anyway no point worrying about it now. Just wait for a nice, fat fedex in April :D</p>
<p>or a sad thin envelope :(</p>
<p>SP I think its safe to say that she didn't. :p</p>
<p>LOL. I guess thats true. Some people on this board are pretty rude i must say. maybe davidrune might get in and i get rejected, but it all comes down to who wins the fight in the empty parking lot behind princeton ;)</p>
<p>i got five bucks on the korean kid :D</p>
<p>lol. im not korean tho. I am an athlete tho (but not one of 'ose skin'n bones XC 100 mile runners)...so i bet i do stand a chance ;)</p>
<p>come on...u cant be so mean to me... ;)</p>
<p>u know that more than 1/2 of what is say are just jokes....</p>
<p>anyway...i need some useful info about having grades from 2 schools...does it make a difference at all?</p>
<p>i dont think so, </p>
<p>btw stop fighting, no one can tell anyone else's chances until april so for now RELAX</p>
<p>I"m pretty certain that I'd win that too.</p>