school grades and SATs

<p>Which is given more importance? ie. I had a 100 for honours Physics in my junior year, and a 98 in AP Physics B, but i got a 690 on SAT II physics.</p>

<p>take a guess</p>

<p>school grades, duh.
What matters more-- a semester's work or an hour of your life?</p>

<p>true, but the rest of my SAT IIS are bad i must admit. so its just high school grades vs. sucky SATs. SAT I and II were crap. I heard that the colleges dont know how the classes are graded (ie. 50% tests or 90% test or whatever). so they place a good deal of emphasis on SAT IIs. any comments?</p>

<p>True, but not entirely true. Sure, they don't know how difficult it is for an applicant to get an A in her physics class, but that doesn't mean that grades don't matter as much and SATs matter more. The admissions process is done by real people, not robots. Real people understand other real people (including you), so they know that many strong students aren't great test takers.</p>

<p>At a very competivie high school , okay I know it is not college, they stated that for their admits, the combination of better grades/not so great tests beats great test/medicore grades,,,, it showed the student was a hard worker= some people are smart and test well, but don't put in effort in class</p>

<p>If you rank high, that will tell them alot</p>

<p>SATs don't have as much weight as transcripts, but SAT2s do have a considerable amount of weight since they measure achievement as opposed to 'aptitude' on the SATs. if you are getting 100% in your physics class but only a 690 on the SAT2s, colleges tend to believe that your grade is being inflated.</p>

<p>no you are wrong to think that school grade matters just cuz its a semester worth of work.....</p>

<p>SAT 2s matter more... read a is for admission or what it really takes to get into an ivyleague..... SAT 2s are STANDARIZED!! THATS IMPORTANT!!! that is also why sat 2s are more important than the 1s... admissions officers clearly admit that they use the twos to distinguish class rank.. and compare high schools across the nation.... if you got 100 and only got 690... then another guy from a diffferent school who got 90 but 800 will make your school look very easy.. so the officers will know that all the grades are inflated...... SAT 2s are MORE important than SAT 1s...</p>

<p>yeah... exactly what I said, except capitalized.</p>

<p>yea lol filmxoxo17 i didnt read all the threads. just replied after reading the second or third one..</p>

<p>"that is also why sat 2s are more important than the 1s..."</p>

<p>Hmm, I always thought that was more for the California colleges.</p>

<p>your school is inflated as hell. I think that your low SAT IIs will make your school marks less impressive.</p>

<p>I agree with david rune and the film person</p>

<p>They are two different schools altogether. I got a 100 in the first school,and 98 in the second school for AP Physics. maybe that makes a difference. because it seems odd that both schools have inflated grades...i dunno.</p>

<p>the flipside is that you're a hardworker, but not very smart.</p>

<p>wow, what a nice thing to say.</p>

<p>davidrune...that was the greatest piece of constructive criticism iv ever heard. maybe u have higher SATs than me, but i bet u dont have any of the
ECs that I have. Didnt ur mommy teach u some basic lessons about manners???</p>

<p>and anyway...neither of the comments that followed my post about getting 100 and 98 in two different schools had anything to do in response to it...</p>

<p>the point is.. your 98 and 100 is not as impressive as someone else's 95 if they had a lot higher sat 2s. and even if you avreage was 100, it will not be as impressive as someone else's 90 if they had higher sat 2s across the board...... it doesnt really show you are hard working. the guy who got 90 might be just as hard working. but it does show your school is not challenging.</p>

<p>hmm...iguess. it wasnt all that challenging (my junior year esp.), so i dont know. I struggled to get my 98 this year in AP, and this is the first and last time that I took my SAT IIs. But my question here is that since i have grades from 2 different schools, will they think both schools have screwed up grading scales?</p>