School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

@VaNcBorder – I am sorry about your son’s exposure and inability to obtain a test.

I agree with you completely that the current testing scarcity and lab backlog does not bode well for the opening of schools. At some point, individual states will have to mandate that testing needs to be prioritized for those at risk.

GW has said that they will have the ability for 24 hour turnaround as they will process their own tests. They do have their own hospital as well. Last I read, kids will need to test upon arrival, or they will be mailing tests beforehand.

@VaNcBorder You can’t really make such a sweeping statement. Some colleges have a plan for testing and already know they have the tests and a quick turn around on results.

My daughter will be a first year student at Skidmore and coming from a state on the NY quarantine list. Skidmore just notified us yesterday that the school is providing quarantine housing for 2 weeks in a local hotel with meal delivery for those affected, and it will begin in time for students to finish quarantine before dorm move-in, orientation, and first day of classes. It’s not required that students from impacted states stay in the quarantine housing if they can make other arrangements but it’s available, and she’ll likely be taking advantage of it. I’ve been a little worried today thinking about her mental health from not being able to leave a room for 14 days but she says she’s willing to tough it out so that she can be on campus for her first semester. And after reading that some schools won’t even allow students from our state to be on campus, I’m feeling very relieved and appreciative that the school is doing this!

@homerdog, I was more referring to the students being asked to take a test prior to coming to campus. I agree that once on campus, testing should be more plentiful as provided by the school and whoever they have contracted with.

It’s nice when schools have a plan and actually implement it. Also they can tweak the course work /presentations/mistakes to make fall even better ??

Best wishes for you rson’s speedy recovery, @VaNcBorder.

Where will your D keep all of the stuff for her dorm when she’s in the hotel? How will Skidmore move all of the kids with their car-full of stuff into their dorm rooms?

I seriously do not think these young adults understand what it will be like to stay inside a room for 14 days. I know some of you will say this is no big deal and there are way bigger problems in the world but I think it would be pretty hard. In March, when we all started staying at home, our poor dog went on a bazillion walks a day. It’s really hard to be inside for that long and we had a whole house to stay in. I get anxious just thinking about being in a hotel room for 14 days.

“Eighty-five infants who are under the age of 1 have tested positive for the coronavirus in Nueces County”
( 2010 census, the population was 340,223)
1 death

Not sure how many babies are screened normally?

My D quarantined for 2 weeks when she first went to GA. It was not the end of the world. She was working remotely but if she hadn’t been it would have been netflix, facetime, reading, youtube workouts, and sleeping.

@homerdog. This all gets a bit confusing but

The numbers for children are high because they are only testing those who have been exposed and are expected to test positive.

So staying in a hotel for 2 weeks without my kids. The TV works? They bring food to me? Peace and quiet? I can watch movies? I can use my computer?

Yep, not the end of the world… Lol??.

I wonder @homerdog if they give the kids stuff to do also.
? Like projects or ways to meet others?

Both of my sons recently had to quarantine for 10 days. They survived. Sure, it’s not easy, but it’s really not the end of the world, especially with access to social media, Netflix, Xbox, etc. And both of my sons are athletes so that meant not being able to work out except for push ups, sit-ups, etc. And to be clear, one was not quarantined “in the house” - he was quarantined in a separate room and could only leave the room to go to the bathroom. The other had the rest of the house (we were not home with them) and was responsible for feeding his brother. They managed.

I told my son he might have to do it again if MD gets added to NY’s quarantine list. Not exactly excited about it but he’d be quarantining at home anyway. While he’d have more freedom if he is able to quarantine at home, at least he has already been through it once so knows what to expect if he has to do it again if NY requires it of him. The school will be providing food and the rooms will also have kitchenettes/bathrooms. I assume it will be something like a room at a Residence Inn nearby.

They should really have a quarentine dorm set up for these kids. Two weeks paying for a hotel is a real burden for many families.

I hope so much that we keep hearing news like this.

@123France I really find it hard to believe that Hamilton is asking all of those kids to pay for a hotel. Have you reached out to a dean to ask?

There is no reason for steady romantic partners to stay apart. But all the casual flirting and sorry, for lack of better words, hooking up is going to be a problem.

[quote=“jagrren, post:11158, topic:2088334”]

@momofboiler1 were these kids tested when they got to campus? How is Purdue finding sick kids? Daily temp checks, testing at all? I wouldn’t expect much news for the first week either if they haven’t tested everyone.