School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

I’m sending my college student with a small bottle of hand sanitizer, a box of disposable masks for when she forgets to wash her cloth ones, cough drops, advil and access to my Amazon Prime.

Haha! He already carries a trauma bag in his truck. Admittedly, some of these items are going in there. His school is somewhat rural and we anticipate local stores to experience out-of-stocks on most of these products after 20,000 students arrive and cases increase.

One, we are posting in a Cornavirus/school in the fall thread on a college board. Not sure it should be surprising I would single out colleges over bar, hair salon, gym and restaurant owner. If we were on a restaurant board and I talked about colleges, I would expect to be questioned as to why. Two, I have been advising clients in a host of industries over the past several months and I don’t agree with your statement that every one of them would test their customers. I think the vast majority have no interest in that at all.

Of that list, I’m sending similar items and amounts excepting the stethoscope and blood pressure cuff.

I have a huge supply of masks, hand sanitizer, and Lysol wipes plus a forehead thermometer and cough suppressants for my D. She is all set.

We went months without being able to find any kind of supplies, so once I saw anything, I’d quietly buy a bottle or pack of everything - especially non stinky hand sanitizer. I’ve got quite the collection for everyone now hoping it will last the school year. I see S using the travel sized sanitizer the most in his backpack and car. So he has

4-5 travel sized hand sanitizer
3 - Refill/pumps 8oz maybe?
1 Clorox wipes (we really don’t use this. Doubt he will either)
25 disposable box of masks for his car trunk
50 disposable mask box for home
11 cloth masks

If he needs more sanitizer I’ve got 2 giant refill bottles

Got my daugther a couple of cloth masks (she has one now she wears at her job) and a box of disposable ones. She has always had a stash of over the counter meds that we have lugged into her dorm/apt in the fall and lugged back out pretty much untouched (have to check expiration dates on it each year). Some cleaning supplies but wipes are tough to find right now in our area. She has access to Amazon Prime for further things she needs.

We put together a medical bag for my daughter that would be easy to grab should she end up sent to isolation. It has basic cold/flu meds, tylenol, advil, cough drops, zinc lozenges, and other basic first aid stuff she would normally have. We also have a forehead thermometer in there and a pulse ox thing. And an envelope with insurance cards and medical forms. She has tons of masks, hand sanitizer and we’ll send some wipes. I keep reminding my husband that we’ll be able to mail her stuff later so we can replenish as needed.

We also talked about sitting down with her and helping her put together a list on her phone of stuff she’d want to pack if she needed to go into isolation quickly like contacts, glasses, phone chargers, underwear, socks, etc. If that happened I’m sure she’d be upset and not thinking clearly and would forget something.

Exactly. It’s a little late in the game (after nearly 600 pages) to start arguing that they shouldn’t test their returning kids.

In a thread that has gone around and around and around again for hundreds of pages on a site that re-treads the same discussions over and over again, its too late to talk about something? I would ask if you are new here if I didn’t know you have been here a long time. LOL

I do understand though why some people don’t like to talk about certain topics. :wink:

^I have no idea what you just said.

I wish your son the best of luck, but I don’t see how any college that doesn’t have a testing plan will be able to avoid large-scale outbreaks

Same. We go to the lake and walk around there but I am surprised how well my kids have adjusted to just being home. They are both college aged and really taking this seriously.

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Let’s just add to this with masks on and social distancing. Illinois has done well as a whole. Every state will see a rise here and there. Young people have to take this more seriously though. Saw a pickup softball game. They had masks around their neck. Hi fiving and right next to each other. But then they walked away is when they put their masks on. Then they will wonder why they got sick.

So schools using Broad institute, can you add your school to a list?

Are any of these wrong so far?

Amherst College

Bates College

Bowdoin College

Colby College

Connecticut College

Hamilton College

Middlebury College

Trinity College

Tufts University

Wesleyan University

Williams College


Geez, I must not love my child. Lol… I am a doc and not sending my kid with so much… Make sure he has some soap!! It works better then sanitizer any day of the week… Lol… Mine will have one box of 50 masks. Loop type. He has several facemaks with pm 2.5 filters 20 (can use them for several days at least). 1 bottle of hand sanitizer large. One small refillable for his backpack. Worst case you can use liquid soap(mix with water) in the small sanitizer bottles. Soap works better then Alcohol FYI. So as an emergency since the alcohol of course dries faster. Oh, a digital thermometer.

One box of wipes. Again soap works better.

I’m surprised gyms are open anywhere. Gyms and bars are probably the worst places for spread to occur. I believe there are no gyms open in NY/NJ and it’s very limited in CT. And those states are among the very small handful who seem to have a bit of a handle on the Covid situation. But maybe no gyms is part of the reason those numbers are good!
Seems to be a lot of dissent over colleges testing students. But having the Broad Institute conduct testing for NE schools has no bearing on wait times in the south and west. Those areas would not use a lab in MA. And what about nfl, nba and mlb athletes getting tested everyday? Should that not happen either? Residential colleges employ lots of people beyond professors. Take away the residential part and a lot of those folks don’t have a job. And many of the colleges using Broad, aren’t catering to only wealthy students, those schools have some of the best financial aid, meets full need, need blind policies which serve a very large number of needy students


Just to add to my list… Lol. Yes, Zinc lozenges. They help sooth your throat and some evidence they help. After I see patients(lots of potential contact) I change clothes and drop a lozenge. So far I am still not sick… Lol. Plus I like cherry… Also we are encouraging our kids to take a multivitamin daily. Of course be active and stay in shape. Of course eat wel/healthy. Get sleep. Anything that they can do to help strengthen their immune system or ours should help.