School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

What are students who were planning to go back but have had plans change right before going to school (or after getting there) doing about books?

My kids always picked them up at school or bought online and had them sent to their campus address (in later years). They would have had nothing to use at home. Also, one had a lot of ‘packets’ to buy from the bookstore for engineering and math classes. These were usually about 200 pages copied off and put into binders, and again, only available through the bookstore.

I asked my daughter and she said definitely not worse. She moved in, she met people, formed study groups. She will be very, very bummed to go home if Duke can’t make it work, but she’d rather have had the time on campus however abbreviated than not.

I feel like at this point…i just want to get there…meet people in person…make personal connections with students and faculty ( no matter how long it lasts, if we should have to leave)

Starting college from home and on zoom is not ideal.

I agree 100%

I would not want to ship a bunch of stuff across the country and pay for plane tickets, only to have to ship a bunch of stuff back and pay for plane tickets.

If your kid is flying to college, travel light.

Kansas teacher Alisha Morris is compiling a spreadsheet of covid19 outbreaks in K-12 schools. It’s a Google doc so I can’t post the link, unfortunately. But it is comprehensive–lists schools by state, number of cases at each, etc. So far about 700 schools have had cases.

Considering what we’re paying for college a few plane tickets and shipping some linens off amazon is a drop in the bucket. Is it ideal - of course not, but in the grand scheme of things - eh - and we didn’t pack that light - thank you southwest and your generous checked bag policy. ymmv

UNC will still get nearly all of the applications they were ever going to get next year. Picking a school for the President is dangerous…you pick the school based on the program and fit.

The few hundred people playing around on this board might care about the details of the COVID response, but you’re dealing with a population that sees face masks as a political statement. In a few months, there will be so many other COVID stories that they’ll all blend together.

UNC’s management of this won’t hurt them like poor leadership will hurt a NE LAC. They have a built-in funding mechanism and a reputation that is much bigger in NC than this.

^extremely strong alum support and families with more than four generations of graduates. It’s an old school. 1795.

Two to five years of covid is a blip in this context.

We drove and dropped my stuff to my dorm in MA this week. When I left it was so weird not knowing if I would actually be able to move in. It looks like we are and Tufts is full speed ahead. But they did tell us not to unpack or set up. So everything is sitting in my room…waiting for move in day.

I just hope the earlier schools don’t create a ripple affect.

People are only going to remember the train wrecks. They won’t remember the empty Ivy League campuses.

And the people evaluating both for next year won’t cross paths often. UNC isn’t now going to lose kids to the Ivy’s that might have stayed in NC had they not screwed up the fall COVID response.

My kids college recommends not buying books until after the first day of each class. Everything can be ordered online per the schools bookstore… this is the case even precovid - the texts they post are not always accurate…wait for the syllabus.

deleted - off topic- apologies

I don’t know–for some people it might not seem at all like a drop in the bucket, especially right now. Fortunately our situation has changed since then, but when my son was attending a private school (my mom paid the tuition; I was newly separated, and my ex didn’t have a lot of money either) every required purchase–books, a tie or a belt or shoes for the dress code, etc., was something to worry about. Some families, I’m sure, are doing all this by the skin of their teeth, and a few plane tickets would seem like a big financial hurdle.

Just saw videos of huge parties at Chapel Hill. No wonder the virus is spreading so fast. There was a video of the same thing at NC State.


Hugs to you Luckyjade! We are all hoping it works out for you and classmates!!

Of course -which is why I said your mileage may vary.

Just dropped off my sophomore at Tulane and I will have to say, they are trying very hard to make this work. But, it also occurred to me the measures they took ( required testing administered by the school, multiple “temporary” classrooms and dining hall for example) made me think they felt like they had to have a long term plan in place. They are obviously planning on this being an issue for multiple semesters. While I hate it for the students, I felt comforted that the school is doing whatever it takes to try to find a path through this.

Nope, not at all. State flagship; one of the Top Public Unis for $25k, all in. best value for state residents, unless one was interested in Engineering, then NC State is the choice.