<p>Schools are closed today due to extensive flooding in VA. What happens to the scheduled AP tests for today? I thought make-up AP tests were not allowed but the students need to take the the tests! Yikes!</p>
<p>I guess there is a late testing date - any idea when that is? Tough to keep the seniors focused for much longer, though!</p>
<p>my school's closed too! idk when to make up the test. if anyone know's the make up date, please tell me.</p>
<p>The make-up testing days (which I'm certain would apply in cases like these) are Wednesday, May 21 - Friday, May 23, depending on which test you're making up. I'm not familiar with what make-up tests go on which make-up day.</p>
<p>yes. i checked AP central and it said that AP testing for biology (alternate date) is may 23rd, but i'm not postive. </p>
<p>Thanks for the information.
Make-up date is same day as senior class picnic...oh well!</p>