<p>I was accepted into the Information School at Syracuse as well as at Drexel and Penn State. What school has the best program and reputation for information technology?</p>
<p>Is your interest specifically in information systems? or business in general? or is it computer art? I know Syracuse has a very strong Information Systems school with good recruitment. Drexel is strong in art and Penn State has a good business school. Give us some more information.</p>
<p>I am most interested in the information technology and systems side of things. I don’t understand how art comes into play and the business school is separate at all three schools.</p>
<p>Given your interests, I think you should definitely go with Syracuse.</p>
<p>I’ve been accepted to the iSchool too…</p>
<p>between it and Rutgers SCILS, which would be a better fit for me? I’m interested in Human-Computer Interaction.</p>