School Selection

<p>Hello there.
I'm looking for some help.
Currently, I go to the University at Buffalo. I hate it and it is terrible. Every day is absolute pain. So, I'm looking at my options right now.
I'll be finishing my first term with about a 3.5-7 GPA as a Biology major. I took the SATs in high school, got a 700 in math and a 730 in critical reading. I couldn't tell you what my high school GPA was, but it was low. I didn't care about college or grades.
My ambition is to become a dentist. My father is a dentist and I would like to take on his practice when he retires.</p>

<p>I just want to get far away from where I am right now. I am going to stay at UB next semester, and if getting into a decent college is contingent on it, I will stay ONE MORE YEAR after that.</p>

<p>In your opinion, where would be a suitable place for me to go that would consider me? Money is not a problem. Rank doesn't really matter as long as long as a schools graduates are successful. Preference for schools near dental schools. And if possible, what can I do to enhance my chances?</p>