<p>Just a couple of questions I just randomly thought of. U of I is huge and I love that. I need a lot of space. I'd feel cramped a small college (physically and socially). I felt crushed by U of C (really it's not big but has a huge friggin city around it) and other small colleges (by class or by space) so I knew that the biggest college I could get to that excelled in my major was the best decision.</p>
<p>I'm also looking the same way for law schools. Is there any LS that have a good graduate student life (U of I lacks a bit in this area)? Any that have lots of students, lots of room? (Maybe even some "fun" law schools? haha j/k a little.)</p>
<p>I've been trying to find some of the biggest class sizes as well. I am having trouble locating the information on my usual websites but those are directed toward 4-year universities. Is there any place that has number information for law schools in a large, comparable place (like collegeboard.com or princetonreview.com for colleges [these were lacking in grad areas])? Or where to find information about which law schools specialize in a particular type of law (they are supposed to offer all but some areas can be better like patent law at an engineering university)?</p>