I know I have a lot of other threads about this, but I’m having trouble prioritizing what I should improve before I apply to college in the fall.
My ACT composite is a 33 (35 English, 28 Math, 35 Reading, 33 Science, 10 Essay w/ 33 combined English/Writing), and I’m worried that my low math section score may ruin my chances at some of the schools I’m considering (since it’s below their 25th %iles).
Should I try and find time to study/retake my ACT? Or should I focus on other aspects of my application?
–Have you taken the SAT?
–How have you been doing in your math classes? Do you have good reason to think that you could improve the math section to a 30? Or is 28 on par with your math aptitude? How much effort/time would it take to fetch a 30?
–What schools are you considering? What major? GPA?
Would you use an increased ACT score for admissions purposes only, or would it be for potential institutional merit aid?
In re: Post #1 above, many students often score better on either the ACT or SAT; so if you haven’t taken the SAT, you might consider that. It could be that the SAT will give you a higher score.
@gandalf78 @Dunboyne I have taken the SAT twice, and scored a 2110 my second time (with a similar disparity between my English and math scores). I have taken all accelerated math courses throughout high school, and I’ll be taking AP Calculus next year. That being said, I don’t consider myself a “math person.” I plan on double majoring in English and history. My dream schools include Princeton and Amherst, so I’m worried that, in a competitive applicant pool, my test scores will automatically disqualify me.
I think that the ACT composite is really what matters, it’s not looked at by its subscores anywhere near as often as the SAT is. And a 33 is the 99th percentile: http://www.actstudent.org/scores/norms1.html That said, your other subscores are so good that it’s a shame to have the math section bringing your composite down. Your 33 will absolutely not disqualify you automatically, but if you could spend some time on Math ACT practice and see if you can get past your stumbling blocks, it might be a good idea to retake it. My D liked ACT’s online prep, and it’s only $25 for the year. http://www.actstudent.org/onlineprep/
It may not be worth it to take the ACT again. You have a bit of an improvement with the ACT vs the SAT, so that’s a decent enough message to send in itself. You would also risk declining in your other sections. Plus it doesn’t sound like the 28 would be easy to improve upon.
You’ll be fine with English and history. Princeton/Amherst are reaches for everyone, so what would a 29 do for you there? Improve your odds from 10% to 13%? Just focus on highlighting your strengths as much as possible, and be sure to target some matches that are lighter on the math scores. Nail your essays. Interview where possible.
Maybe try to take AP Calc in your first term (for admission purposes). Study hard and use that course to show improvement.