Schools known for good merit aid

*Re-married and will no way qualify for any need-based FA. S2 is in love with all the $50k+ bracket and I will make it happen.

Which northeast, LACs and business schools offer best merit or other options? He’s an IB grad and athlete.*

What are his stats?

Your son is lucky that you’re going to “make it happen.”

Seton Hall recently announced a new plan that offers a great tuition discount for good students who apply early:

[Attend</a> Seton Hall for the Same Cost as Rutgers - Seton Hall University, New Jersey](<a href=“]Attend”>

I’m still here…just terrified of how this will all play out for my daughter if she does not receive big funds. It’s very depressing to worry about how my husband and I will survive when he retires in 4 years if we are forced to use those assets to pay for her college since I know our EFC will be high. We look good on paper…own a 2nd house than we can’t sell because the loss wouldn’t be devestating, own some farm land that we can’t sell for the same reason. Large equity on our primary home that we will not refinance due to impending retirement and on and on. We both drive very old cars because we don’t want to spend money in this economic climate, bt the cost of living is so high where we/job is there’s no way around it. I’m getting worried she will get partial tuition (OOS) scholarships then take out massive loans for the rest. I am praying it won’t come to that.


Since your D has an ACT 33 , Alabama would give her free tuition .

Plus, since she’s an engineering major, Bama would give her 2500 per year in addition to the free tuition. Total value of both scholarships is over $90k.

These are assured scholarships for her stats if she applies before Dec 1st and submits the scholarship app. both apps are easy.

[Scholarships</a> - Undergraduate Students - The College of Engineering - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Scholarships”>Scholarships – College of Engineering | The University of Alabama)

Her remaining basic school costs would be about $8k-10k per year depending on dorm/meal choices and books. Of course, your D’s daily personal expenses would be additional and could be covered with money saved from a summer job.

How much can you contribute? If you can pay about $6k per year and your D took out a student loan for about $5k per year, you’d have all the basic costs covered.

need to update uab merit (oos)
UAB updated automatic scholarships for 28+act and 3.0 gpa
UAB has just updated its automatic scholarships for merit

Total cost of attendance for oos student is 20-24K


OOS costs:
Fall 2011 First-Year Freshmen Estimated
First-Year Freshman Out-of-State
Tuition and Fees* $14,256
Books and Supplies** $1000
Meal Plan $450 - $3,894
Total $15,706 - $19,150
Residence Hall (Blazer/Camp Hall)*** $5,200
Grand Total $20,906 - $24,350

OOS Merit (also has full rides for national merit, achievement and hispanic scholars)
Blazer Elite Scholarship
Based on academic achievement (28-36 ACT and at least 3.0 GPA)
Blazer Gold Scholarship
Based on academic achievement (26-27 ACT and at least 3.0 GPA)
Blazer Pride Scholarship
Based on academic achievement (24-25 ACT and at least 3.0 GPA)

tier 1 research university

urban campus

11k undergrads

ranked 5th for diversity, 11th for student happiness

wonderful honors colleges

great dorms (suite or apartment style)

150K sq ft rec center with huge climbing wall, lazy river pool

rolling admissions, no essay app (there is an essay for the honors college app)

St. john’s University and College of St. Benedict in MN give great merit aid. We are sending our son there for less than what we would pay at UW Madison.


Got $80,000 from University of Miami
$40,000 from George Washington
$28,000 from Boulder
$28,000 from Boston University

Attending Miami

31 ACT 12 on the writing section, 3.69 GPA, strong leadership resume, good essay, not alot of sports

Oh I forgot $28,000 from Syracuse.
No money from NYU

Yes they do, they have a big endowment and give merit and need based money. All financial aid and scholarships transfer to any of their overseas programs as well. Lot’s of student go there and turn down Georgetown and BC

any suggestions on the more science/math type schools which would also give good merit aid? 2012 ds is a math kid. has one acceptance at a science/math type school but wouldn’t hurt to be looking at comparable schools since we are in need of a good merit aid/financial aid package. comp 30, 32 math.

My son is an English and music guy so I can’t answer that question directly. Case Western shows up on this thread often. Also google the Kiplinger report. They have a great piece on schools that are good values in terms of total packages, Merit and Aid.

[Best</a> Values in Private Colleges, 2010-11](<a href=“]Best”>Kiplinger | Personal Finance News, Investing Advice, Business Forecasts)

Given a quick review of Kiplinger I would look at Clark, Case Western, University of Rochester (5th year is free) SMU, Tulane, If you’re interested in the midwest then St. Olaf and Carleton

thanks susannydahl. have some friends that have gone through st. olaf. will check into some of those you listed.

For a math/science kid, Case Western and U of R are good merit possibilities. Case is a tad bit better than U of R. Case offers a max of 20K in merit aid, especially for EA applicants. U of R does offer 17K I believe for NMFs. Clark and Tulane also have very good merit scholarships. All of these were on D’s list last year and she ended up with good offers from each one of them.

^^^ arisamp, or others here: can you shed more light on what U Rochester offers in the way of merit aid? From their website: “Merit-based scholarships range in amount from $2,000 per year to full-tuition.” Not too much specific info there, you’ll agree. And either Rochester doesn’t share its Common Data Statement publically or I’ve just been unable to find it online, so I’ve been unable to see just how many receive merit and in what average amount.

my S2 got 14K from u of rochestor…bausch and lomb in 2010 (4.2 gpa and 33 act) if that helps at all. I never could find any automatic qualifications from rochestor

^^^thanks for that info.

I actually just called and spoke to someone in Rochester admissions. They do not publish their CDS (I always find that pretty galling), but he did say that 30-35% of applicants offered admissions get merit aid. Apparently the net price calculator on their site, which I would have skipped since we won’t qualify for need-based aid, has an add-on to help people figure out what kind of merit they might get. It’s very broad: basically they provide descriptions of 6 hypothetical applicants–GPA and SAT ranges, typical ECs and awards–to describe who might get awards of 0, 5K, 7.5K, 10K, 15K, and 20K. And you actually have to put numbers into the need-based calculator to pull up the merit section of the calculator. Not as transparent as some schools…

thanks for the suggestions.

Case Western Reserve is very generous with high stats applicants.
Miami U (OH) also gives out a lot from privately established scholarships.

Both of them are very expensive, except Miami is public, so OH residents will have a break.

Drew U was always generous with merit money to certain applicants. Some students had 3/4 or more covered with merit, some like my son had merit/grant. He was 2006-2010 so I can’t say what it is like right now.