Schools known for good merit aid

University of San Francisco gave d18 $25k per year in merit. Act 31, GPA 3.97

May I ask how much? We only received $25 k for 4 yrs.

I meant at the University of Colorado.

@Kjskies228 - What major is she thinking of? Got really good merit from Case Western, Northeastern, Rutgers in STEM

My daughter got great merit packages from RPI, Clarkson, and U. of Akron. She got smaller awards elsewhere but nothing like those three schools.

DD received great merit offers from Oberlin, Dickinson and Kenyon. Some from Colorado College.

I’d love to follow this thread. Need merit money for my son with great stats. Thanks everyone

The University of Nebraska gives good merit aid, primarily based on your ACT/SAT scores.

Hi all here is my Ds results. I did a lot of merit research prior to application cycle.
Stats are 1550 SAT, 4.0/4.8ish. 12 APs, lots of music ECS, good recs and unique essays, not a ton of awards or leadership. very strong musician. All are merit.
St Olaf (academic and music) $28, Lawrence $28, Whitman (academic and music) $21,800, Grinnell 20K, Kenyon 15K, Case Western $28K, Oberlin $29K, Fordham $34K, Macalester $20K, Smith $10 K, Mount Holyoke- Full tuition.

Many of the state public schools have automatic merit aid for certain SAT or ACT and GPA. Here are links to the ones I could find. I’m sure there are more out there but thought this might be helpful.

Arizona State University
Auburn University
Boise State University
Clemson University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Iowa State University
James Madison University
Kent State University
Lynchburg College
Marymount University
McDaniel College
Miami University
Michigan State University
Millersville University
Mississippi State University
Mount St. Mary’s University
New College of Florida
Quinnipiac University
Roanoke College
Shippensburg University
Slippery Rock University
St. Mary’s College of MD
Texas A&M University
The Ohio State University
University of Alabama
University of Alabama-Birmingham
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Colorado
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Georgia
University of Idaho
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Mississippi
University of Nebraska
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
University of New Hampshire
University of North Florida
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Pittsburgh
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
University of Tennessee
University of West Florida
University of Wyoming
Ursinus College
Virginia Commonwealth University
West Virginia University
Western Michigan University
Winthrop University

Hello everyone here my son will soon receive his test results. What schools, known for good merit, should I choose my son?
Is there a lot of testing of his knowledge, can he use the services of help homework, because he spends a lot of time on sports. Who used these services and how reliable are they like study daddy? And sometimes there is very little time left for study. Tell me please.
Thanks in advance for the answer.

@Nertagy Hello, I see you are new here, but you have quite a few different questions. Can I suggest that you start a separate thread for your other questions? As for schools with good merit aid, see Post #1729 right above yours for a good start. Also go back and read through this thread for more information.
Good luck!

@Veryapparent Congrats on the great results! We are also looking at Fordham. I thought they only had high merit aid for NMF? Was that your situation as well? Thanks!

@DCNatFan awesome list! Just wanted to put a heads up on here—my son qualified for OSU’s National Buckeye Schokarship, applied by the early deadline and didn’t even get accepted to OSU (he was deferred then waitlisted). I’d advise looking at nothing as automatic. Have your student have a backup plan and a backup to their backup.

No she was National Merit Commended. It was purely merit and came with guaranteed housing for four years and entry into honors program.

S 34 ACT/10AP/UW GPA ~3.8 (for most when applied, went down for RD bc he “thought he was done” lol), lots of ECs (singer/performed in a professional opera, 5 yr mock trial attorney (team went to nationals), chess team captain, dedicated to a cancer cause affecting our family)

Did lots of research, and there were others that would also be great (Whitman, Puget Sound, Kenyon, Denison, Gettysburg) but he was done! Some also had music scholarships avail, but at the time, he didn’t want to do more than regular app, so all just per year merit:

U of Denver - 26k, Occidental - 20k, Rhodes College - 25k, Trinity U - 22k and invite to compete at scholars day, Arizona - 30k, American U - 20k (wld be 30k if u fill out and get honors), university of Miami - 23k and invite to compete at scholars day, Indiana - 11k and direct admit to Kelley bus and honors (couple thousand more avail if u fill our selective scholarship app), University of Richmond - 1/3 tuition, Lafayette College - 24k + 4k study abroad (after competing at scholars day - fellows get 40k + 4k; think 1st semester grades did him in).

Very happy with choices. It became clear as yr went on he wants liberal arts, not big school, so would have taken out bigger schools and added a few more liberal arts options. Also, suggest using college factual to see breakdown of geographic diversity, if that matters to you. Would not have included a couple based on that in retrospect.

Question about Quinnipiac
do you think the freshman merit scholarship is included in the net price calculator?

For NPCs, a clue that they will include a merit scholarship is if they ask for GPA and test scores. If they don’t ask for that they aren’t going to show merit aid. But what I did when I was running them was I just always used inflated values for income and savings that I knew would get no need based aid on any calculator, and therefore any scholarships that came out were merit based (assuming of course the NPC asked for GPA and scores).

We’re a full pay family, we did not file FAFSA or CSS at any school, and we were hunting for merit for our D who wanted to go to an LAC, our budget was basically our in-state schools (COA $37k).

Her stats: 32 ACT (33 superscored)/3.8UWGPA/4.2WGPA IB diploma candidate from a diverse, underperforming public school. Her ECs were all over the map, representing her lack of direction well. She’s undecided on major and far from “pointy”, though she did have leadership, and she did have things she stuck with all 4 years.

She primarily applied to what we considered admissions safeties, where she was well in the top 75% and the school accepted over 50% of applicants. We didn’t anticipate rejections, and we got none. We weren’t sure how the merit would fall. She also applied to a “financial safety” where we knew from the start it was affordable and she was auto-admit. That school is not included on the list below. All apps were submitted EA1 or 2 and we had the majority of our results including scholarship info before Christmas.

School\Final Merit Award\Estimated COA(Tuition+Fees+R&B) for her:
Agnes Scott College$26k$26k
Beloit College$30k$27k
Southwestern University$33k$21k
Trinity University$25k$30k
University of Puget Sound$22k$38k
University of Redlands$30k$32k
Whittier College$31k$29k
Willamette University$25k$35k

When all was said and done, we determined that only Puget Sound had really not offered her enough. So they were scratched off the list. Willamette was also a bit high when factoring in travel costs, but we left it in the mix as both D & H had really bonded with the school when they visited. She was invited to, and attended, additional scholarship days at about 4 schools. In all cases these extra scholarships were very competitive, in some cases, extremely so. We didn’t go in expecting anything, and indeed, she was mostly granted an additional $1k just for showing up. However, she was awarded the competitive Brown scholarship at Southwestern, which was about a 4k bump from the initial scholarship they gave her (Brown amount reflected above).

In the end she had some great choices well within our budget, and for the most part, the NPCs did show the scholarships before hand, I just wasn’t sure how much I could rely on that.

CalTech is only need based.

University of the South, Suwanee