schools that are highly regarded on this forum but not in real life?

<p>Overrated schools on this forum:</p>


<p>No one in real life even cares or knows much about that school. I certainly didn't before this forum</p>

<p>Here we go.</p>

<p>are you trying to start a flame thread?</p>

<p>Seriously? I think there’s enough of this crap here. Vanderbilt is a fine school with great academics and financial aid programs.</p>



<p>Are all other forums populated by people who like to brag about their ignorance?</p>

<p>The top publics.</p>

<p>Of course, OOS admission+Honors Program+Full Ride is an extraordinary and laudable accomplishment. Any other case… eh.</p>

<p>Wow this is one of the most fire-fueling, most useless threads I’ve seen.</p>

<p>Vandy is a good school, btw.</p>

<p>lol. I take it you don’t live in the South?</p>

<p>you mean highly regarded by academia, but not in real life?</p>

<p>if so, all the LAC’s. they’re all phenomenal, and i’d be incredibly impressed if i met an amherst grad…but take that degree anywhere across the country and most of the uninformed public would have no idea what it was.</p>


<p>No one in real life even cares or knows much about that school. I certainly didn’t before this forum"</p>

<p>Surely, you’re joking or are simply reflecting your own ignorance.</p>

<p>UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM… I agree with what everyone else above me has said. You either are shamelessly arrogant or haven’t done your research (or both). Vanderbilt is a GREAT school, they’re nationally ranked, and they offer great merit aid. </p>

<p>I think we should now let this thread die.</p>

<p>what ds143 said…</p>

<p>Ditto DunninLA and ds143. Out here in the West, I doubt the average, or even above-average person has heard of Williams.</p>

<p>Yeah lets not bash the OP. Although his use of overrated is completely wrong, I can see what he’s trying to say. I had not heard of Vandy as a great school beofre I came here either. Same with Emory, Williams, Amherst, and tons of LACs.</p>

<p>I find it ironic that everyone is telling OP that he “hasn’t done his research” when arguing that Vanderbilt is very well-known in real life. </p>

<p>If it really is so widely appreciated, he shouldn’t have to do any “research” to find out about it.</p>

<p>m4 – yeah, the Top 20 schools in USNWR that are not very well know by the general public as academic high flyers are all the medium sized schools that are not Ivies (or have famous med schools) – Emory, Vandy, Notre Dame, Wash U, Rice. You could argue for Northwestern except that 1) It is Big10, therefore more well known in general, and 2) It has had a highly ranked MBA program for at least 20 years.</p>

<p>And yet Notre Dame is on your list? Talk about one of the most famous football teams in the history of college football</p>

<p>m4, being in the Big10 gives name recognition, but then having a top MBA program (and T14 Law school which I failed to mention) let’s people know it is a top academic school as well.</p>

<p>I almost mentioned University of Chicago as a Top 20 that is relatively unknown by the general public.</p>



<p>The original question, although now that I look at it more closely I realize that it isn’t even a question, is confusing. Are we supposed to count schools that are not highly regarded in real life because the general public has heard of them and doesn’t regard them highly? Or are we supposed to think of schools that are highly regarded by the knowledgeable people on this forum but the general public hasn’t heard of them so doesn’t regard them at all? Those are two very different lists.</p>

<p>Some of you are very generous in your interpretation of this phrase, from the first post:</p>



<p>I doubt the OP is using the term ‘overrated’ to mean ‘recognized on CC but not by uninitiated commoners’.</p>